Chapter 86: You Kept That Quiet!

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Ever since what happened with me and Michael yesterday I've locked myself in my room. Now and again I've forced myself downstairs, just so my parents don't suspect anything, because what I don't need is them saying I told you so. I feel like shit as it is, without them fussing. I don't really have to worry about my dad though because he's still acting weird with me and has hardly spoken to me since Sunday.

Michael has sent me a few texts, but I've ignored them. I haven't even read them. I dont feel up to it. I cover myself up with my duvet and close my eyes. I hear my phone go off and I sigh, letting it ring. I'm not answering it. It rings and rings until it eventually stops. I sit up and reach for it, expecting to see a miss call from Michael, but it wasn't him, it was my housemate Abby. She's probably calling because she hasn't seen me at all through term break. I sigh and put my phone down, laying back down and pulling the duvet over my head. My phone pings a couple times and I roll my eyes. I grab my phone, looking at the texts Abby has sent me.

Hello?! Alison? Are you dead? X


I sigh and reply to her.

Hey, sorry I missed your call. What's up? X

She replies:

You're alive!! Where the hell have you been all through term break?! I thought you were only staying with you parents for a week or something lol? X

I reply:

Yeah... there was a change of plan x

She replies:

Oh?? How so? We've hardly seen you and we start back Monday :( I don't want to go baaaack x

I reply:

There just was.. I didn't expect to stay so long either, but I guess I've been busy working and catching up with old friends. I know, Monday has come around quickly! X

She replies:

That's fair enough. You need to come back though! We're throwing a house party tomorrow and you need to be here. We need to do something before we have to be all serious again on Monday :( x

I stare at the text and make a face.

A house party? X

She replies:

Yes! It's just a little party to end the term break. We're going to end it on a high this weekend. You're not doing anything tomorrow are you? X

I reply:

No, I'm not. I guess I have spent too much time at my parents... it will be nice to do something with all of you. I'll be back tomorrow x

She replies:

Yay! I'll tell the others. See you tomorrow Al x

I lay back on my bed and close my eyes. Guess I'll be going back to Uni tomorrow. A lump forms in my throat as I start to think about Michael. I feel myself well up, but my phone pings again and I moan, closing my eyes tighter as a tear rolls down my cheek. I might just turn off my phone. I want to be left alone. I pick it up, about to turn it off but I see Michael has text me...

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