Chapter 83: I Can Feel It

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I slowly wake up and turn on my back, staring up at the ceiling. I close my eyes and rub my face, with the thoughts of yesterday instantly entering my mind. I moan and sigh heavily. I turn back on my side and reach for my phone to check the time. It's 10:30am, and I see I've got a text from Michael. He sent it at 8am this morning.

Morning baby, I hope you're ok. How did you sleep? Xxx

I show a little smile and text him back.

Morning. I slept ok, but I had too much on my mind. How did you sleep? I hope you're ok too xxx

I sigh and put my phone down. It's going to be awkward going downstairs this morning... but I think my mom is at work and my dad is going to be in his office all day like usual... so I should be fine, for now. I get up and take a shower.


I sit eating my cereal quietly and stare over at the fridge. I thought I would feel better today, but I don't. I finish my cereal and drink my coffee, wondering if I should walk to the shop to buy my mom the things I need to replace or drive. I'll probably drive. I don't feel like walking today. I leave the house and get in my car. I put my seatbelt on and hear my phone go off. I take it out and look at it, reading Michael's reply.

Too much on your mind? Do you mean what happened with your parents, or is there something else? I was worrying about you last night, but I slept ok in the end. I can pick you up after I've finished work and you can stay with me tonight? Xxx

I stare at the text about to text him back, but I decide to reply after I've gone to the store. I put my phone back and start to drive.

I buy my mom flour, wine, and a red velvet cake to say sorry. I also get myself some ice cream and chocolate... I need some sweet stuff right now. I head back home and park my car. I go inside and walk through to the kitchen. I see my dad taking some food out of the fridge...

"Hi." I show a little smile as I put the bag of stuff I just bought down on the kitchen table.

My dad shuts the fridge and turns his head, glancing at me.

"Hi." He barely shows a smile.

I sigh quietly and start taking out the things from the shopping bag.

"I uh, just went out and got mom some stuff. Well, the stuff that I used..."

He nods as he makes himself a sandwich.

"That's good. She'll be grateful for that."

"Yeah." I show half a smile as I put my ice cream in to the freezer.

It goes silent and feels really awkward. I get a glass and fill it with some water, just to make some noise and drown out the awkward silence. I sip my water and make a face, wanting to start some sort of conversation.

"How is work?"

He pauses for a second before answering me.

"Fine." He nods. "Apart from having writers block today, and not really being able to concentrate."

That's a dig at me... I tuck my hair behind my ear and look down. I clear my throat and open the cupboard, getting out a couple of mugs.

"Do you want a tea? Or coffee?"

"No, I've just had one." He actually manages to look at me as he picks up his plate of lunch. "Thanks, though." He shows a quick smile and leaves the kitchen.

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