Chapter 59: I Don't Know Who I Am?

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I cry in the bathroom. I think I'm in real shock and being this drunk doesn't help. I've never been in a fight before, not like that. Holly was such a fucking bitch. It wasnt my fault Ryan threw himself at me. How could she go off at me like that?! How could she think I'd do that? Does she really think im that kind of person? Shes fucking scratched my face a little bit too from the slap... I'm going to feel that in the morning.

Theres a little knock on the door making me stop crying. I sniff and wipe my eyes.

"Yeah?" I call out.

The door opens and I see its Jamie. He frowns seeing me so upset. He walks in and closes the door.

"Everyone is leaving now."

I nod and sigh heavily.

"I cant believe Holly would think those things of me." I shake my head. "Why did she go off at me and not Ryan?"

"I dont know." Jamie sighs. "She shouldn't have done that or said those things, but shes drunk. I'm sure she didnt mean any of it. She broke up with Ryan tonight and shes probably upset."

"But they're always breaking up!" I scoff. "She cant take her hurt out on me like that."

"I know." He frowns.

I look down and wipe my eyes. He walks closer to me and looks at the scratch on my face.

"She shouldn't have hit you." He shakes his head.

I look up at him and he stares at me.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask.

He nods.

"Of course you can."


He grabs some tissue and gently wipes some blood from my face. I flinch because it's a little sore.

"Sorry." He frowns.

"Its ok." I sigh. "Happy birthday to me."

He let's out a soft laugh and brushes some of my hair away from my face.

"Come on, you can stay in my room."

"Where will you sleep?" I ask.

"On the sofa."

I frown.

"Sorry... this is a mess."

"Dont be sorry, and anyway I'm only letting you stay because its your birthday."

I laugh softly.

"Thank you."

He smiles and opens the bathroom door. I follow him out to his room. I walk in and sit on his bed.

"Do you want something to eat or drink?" He asks.

"Can I have some water?"

"Sure." He smiles and leaves.

I sigh and look down. I feel like shit. How can Jamie be so good to me? I really wish it was him I loved. Maybe I just need to let go... and try... I've never really given him a chance and hes so sweet to me. Any girl would be lucky to have him... and I know I cant have Michael, so what's the point in me holding on? He didnt answer my call earlier, and he wants nothing to do with me, but I could have something good with Jamie. He wants me, unlike Michael. Maybe I should just be done with boys... all of what's happened is because of men and I've had enough.

The door opens and Jamie walks back in with a glass of water. He smiles and hands me it.

"Thank you." I smile and take a sip.

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