Chapter 76: Steamy

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I slowly wake up from possibly the best sleep I have ever had. I feel Michael stroking my back and I smile, looking up at him. He sees I'm awake and smiles, looking down at me.

"Good morning." He kisses my forehead softly.

"Good Morning." I say through a little croak.

I slide my hand up his chest and hold his neck, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask.

"Not long." He strokes my hair. "You looked like you were having a good sleep, I didn't want to wake you."

"I was." I smile and take a deep breath in, snuggling in to him.

He squeezes me gently and then leans up on his elbow, looking down at me. His eyes trace down my body, almost as if he's missed looking at me. He strokes his hand down my waist and hip, and slides it across my bum, squeezing and rubbing me softly. I smile and move some of his messy curls away from his face. He leans down and trails soft kisses along my neck and up to my Jaw. I smile and start to laugh a little bit from how sensitive my skin feels this morning. He smiles against my neck, but doesn't stop kissing me.

"Michael." I moan through my giggle.

"Mmm?" He hums against my neck.

"I feel too sensitive." I smile, rubbing my hands along his shoulders and up the back of his neck.

He smiles and bites my neck gently, before looking up at me.

"Why's that?" He smirks, raising his eyebrow.

"You know why." I give him a look and bite my lip.

He grins, looking pleased with himself and then kisses my lips softly.

"Want me to make you some tea?" He asks, between kissing me. "Or coffee?"

I smile and nod my head.

"Tea would be nice." I stroke through his hair.

He leans back, looking at me.

"I'll let you wake up a bit more before I make you cum again."

I widen my eyes and laugh softly.

"Such a gentleman."

He smirks and kisses me before getting off of the bed. My eyes follow him and admire his sexy naked body. I look at his hard penis and cute bum as he picks up his boxers, sliding them on. I run my hand through my hair and bite my lip, instantly feeling turned on. He turns his head and smiles at me, knowing full well I'm checking him out. He kneels on the bed and kisses me.

"Don't be too long." I smile, stroking my hand up and down his arm.

He shakes his head, smiling.

"I won't."

He gives me one more look and kisses my head before walking out of the bedroom. I yawn and stretch out, still feeling a bit weak from last night. All of this still feels like a wonderful dream. I rub my face and sit up, looking around his room.

I get up and stretch again. I smile feeling my legs ache a little bit as I walk in to the bathroom, knowing that's because of last night. I use the toilet and then look at the shower. I'm sure Michael wouldn't mind if I had a shower.

I turn on the water and step inside, letting the warm water fall on to my hair and body. I close my eyes and stand still for a while as the room starts to steam up. I grab a bottle of shampoo and begin to wash my hair, remembering the last time I took a shower here. I'm still embarrassed thinking back on it with how drunk I was... and then being sick in front of him. I make a face, trying not to think about that. Michael took care of me that night though, and I'll always remember that. I wash the shampoo out of my hair and hear a knock on the bathroom door.

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