Chapter 79: I'd Rather Be With You

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"Wow, I know you've been busy with Mr Jackson, but I didn't know you've been that busy!" Jade laughs, leaning up on my bed.

"I know. We've been seeing each other every day and having all these amazing dates."

"Yeah, and that's good! His sorry ass should be treating you girl. It's what you deserve."

I give her a look.

"Jade..." I laugh softly.

"But I didn't mean that, I meant all the sex you've been having! And you've practically moved in with him."

"No I haven't." I roll my eyes and laugh softly.

"You have stayed with him every night this week." She smirks.

"So? He's at work all day and I go back to Uni soon. I guess we want to see each other as much as possible, because soon enough we'll hardly see each other."

"Yeah, I know." She frowns.

I look down as we both go quiet. Now I'm thinking about Uni. I sigh and look at Jade.

"Is it hard for you just seeing Dani at weekends?"

"It was at first." She nods. "But you just get used to it."

I nod slowly.

"It's just.. Michael has only just come back in to my life and soon I'm going to have to leave him."

"I know, but you'll see him at weekends right? And through the week you can call each other and Skype?"

"Yeah." I show a little smile.

"So you don't want to go back to Uni?"

"No, I do. I love what I study and I want to graduate, I'm just saying I'll miss Michael."

"I know you will, but it's not like you will never see him again. You've got one more year until you graduate, and a year isn't that long."

I nod.

"A lot can happen in a year though..."

She sits up and lowers her eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know.. I'm just being silly." I shake my head. "And what if after graduating I decide to stay on longer? That means longer away from Michael."

"Well if Michael loves you then he will be fine with that, and he'll have to put up with just seeing you at weekends."

I sigh and rest my head back on my pillow.

"It's just when he was my lecturer I saw him pretty much every day, and then there was a whole year where I didn't see him, and now I'm back to seeing him every day again... then when I go back to Uni it's going to be a whole year again that we wont see each other much."

"Right?" Jade makes a face.

"I just don't like being apart from him. That's all. He makes me feel good, you know? And he's the one I always want to run to when I feel like shit, or if something bad has happened. He makes me feel better about everything. The year he wasn't in my life.. I really missed him, and now he's back I don't want him to go again."

"Yeah, I know how you feel Al." She nods. "And it will be hard not being able to see him through the week, but then you just got to look forward to the weekends." She smiles. "But what do you mean you don't want him to go again? You're in a relationship now and you love each other. Why would he leave you? There's something you're not telling me, so come on, tell me what you're worried about."

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