Chapter 4: Wild Embers

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I walk in to my bedroom and sigh closing the door behind me. I put my bag down and look around the room. Sunday comes around way too quickly. Now I'm back here.

I get changed in to my PJs and get in to bed. I set my alarm for tomorrow morning and lay back, staring up at the ceiling. Come on Alison, just close your eyes and sleep. Here come the restless nights. I toss and turn around trying to get comfortable. Ugh I have too many things running through my mind. I sigh and rub my face.

After a few hours of trying to sleep, I finally drift off. I'm soon woken up again from my alarm. I yawn and rub my eyes. I force myself up and get ready for the day ahead. Maybe I'll just say I'm sick today... I don't want to face anyone... or go to my lessons. I'm too tired.

I grab my bag and laptop, then head down stairs. I hear the girls talking in the kitchen. I pause before walking in and let out a quiet sigh. I clear my throat and walk in to the kitchen. They continue their conversation but Dani looks at me and smiles widely.

"Hey Al."

"Hey." I smile.

Holly and Becky both smile and say hello too.

"We must have missed you last night?" Dani asks.

"Yeah, I got back pretty late last night."

"How was your weekend?" Holly asks as she bites in to her apple.

"It was ok. How was yours weekend?"

"It was good! We just chilled and went out again with some of the other students." Becky smiles.

"Yeah." Dani nods. "Did your dad have a good birthday?"

I pause and lower my eyebrows. I suddenly remember I lied about my dad's birthday... I look away and pour myself some water.

"Uh yeah it was fine. We just went out for something to eat."

"Sounds fun..." Holly says sarcastically.

Dani gives her a look.

"Yeah... anyway I've got to go to the Library." I say clearing my throat.

"Oh ok, I'll come with you." Dani says getting up from her chair.

"No it's ok." I shake my head. "I just need some books that's all."

"But we have our lecture soon."

"Yeah." I smile. "I know. I'll see you at the lecture."

"Ok." She shows a little smile.

"See you later." I say softly as I walk out.

"Bye." They call after me.

I feel bad. I know Dani is trying, but I want to be on my own right now. I take a slow walk to the library. It's quiet in here at the moment. I guess because it's so early... and it's Monday. All the students are probably still recovering from their hang overs.

I walk down looking through some books. I come across the poetry section and scan through some books. I find one that looks interesting and start to read the back of it.

"That's a good book."

I flinch slightly from being startled hearing the softly spoken voice and look to my left.

"Sorry." Mr Jackson chuckles lightly, realising he scared me.

Hes wearing a blue shirt, with some curls hanging in front of his face. I show a little smile, and glance down at his cute smile, then quickly back down at the book in my hand.

"I'm just browsing." I shrug.

"Milk and Honey is actually on my list of things to read. I've heard it's good." Mr Jackson says, as he reaches up and grabs a book from off the shelf. I get a smell of his aftershave as his arm moves past me. It's really nice.

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