Chapter 78: Mr Jackson

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I wake up slowly, not feeling Michael next to me. For a second I wonder where he is, but then realise he must be getting ready for work. I turn my head and see him tucking his shirt in to his black trousers. I smile and just lay watching him. He hasn't seen I'm awake yet. I bite my lip seeing him wrap a black tie around his neck. He looks so sexy. What a beautiful sight to wake up to.

"You look very smart." I croak, still feeling sleepy.

He turns his head and smiles, tightening the tie around his neck.

"You think so?" He raises an eyebrow, taking out a jacket from his closet.

"Mmm." I hum and smile, enjoying what I see. "I've never seen you in a suit and tie before."

"Yeah." He smiles. "I can't dress casual like I used to do at Uni. I have to be a bit more professional." He makes a face.

I stretch and sit up.

"Well I like it. You should have dressed more professional when you taught me." I smirk.

"Don't I look as sexy in casual clothes?" He gives me a look and grins.

"You look sexy in everything you wear." I raise my eyebrows and get off the bed. "And you know that." I laugh softly.

He grins and bites his lip, looking me up and down. All I'm wearing is his white t-shirt from last night. He stares down at my bare legs as I walk towards him.

"There's just something about a man in a suit." I smile and rub my hands up his chest, feeling his shirt. "You look so dominant."

He holds my hips, pulling me up against his body and watches me. I can feel him getting harder against my thigh.

"You're distracting me." He let's out a little laugh and bites his lip.

"Sorry." I giggle. "But you're distracting me too." I stroke my fingers up his tie. "I'll stop." I bite my lip and take myself away from him.

He makes a face, like he didn't want me to stop and he stands there looking all horny.

"I'm gonna go for a shower." I smile and take off his t-shirt, so now I'm completely naked.

He opens his mouth and his eyes turn darker as he looks at my body. He walks closer to me and holds my arm.

"No you're not." He groans. "I can't go to work with a boner." He grabs the back of my head, kissing me.

I moan and smile, pulling away from him.

"Won't you be late for your first day back at work, Mr Jackson?"

He raises his eyebrows.

"Mmm, I haven't heard you call me that in a long time." He grins and starts kissing in to my neck.

I smile and hold the back of his neck. He grabs my ass tightly, pushing himself against me.

"Say it again." He moans against my neck.

I close my eyes and sigh, feeling him kiss and suck my neck, and rub my bum eagerly.

"Fuck me, Mr Jackson." I smirk and bite my lip.

He grins and grabs my thighs, quickly picking me up. I wrap my legs around him and cup his face in my hands, kissing him deeply. He walks us over to the bed and places me down, leaning over me. I smile and grab his tie, pulling him back to my lips. He smiles and moans, kissing me roughly. His hands rub up and down my thighs, making me moan and grind my hips against him.

He pulls himself away from me and starts to take off his tie, staring down at me with so much desire.

"I don't want to make you late." I say through my heavy breathing, staring back at him.

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