Chapter 100: It's Nothin You Can't Handle

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Me and Michael didn't get much sleep last night after us finding out I'm pregnant. We were just too happy and excited about it. I can't help but think about the baby Michael lost though... I haven't brought it up yet, and I'd like to talk to him just so he knows I haven't forgot about what he went through. I just want to make sure he's ok really because even though he is happy I'm pregnant, it must be hard for him remembering the baby he lost before.

I've taken the second test this morning too, just to be sure, and that was also a positive result. I'm 100 percent pregnant! It still hasn't sunk in yet though and I don't feel pregnant yet... I'm sure I will in the next few weeks. It's strange knowing mine and Michael's baby is in my stomach. I almost can't get my head around it, but we are so happy and excited.

I finish brushing my teeth and wash my mouth out. I look at myself in the mirror and yawn as I rub my face.

"Are you ok?" Michael asks, wrapping his arms around me and placing his chin on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I smile, feeling him rub my stomach. "I'm just a bit tired."

He tucks some of my hair behind my ear and we look at each other in the mirror.

"You should rest. I can call my mother and tell her we can't come over today."

"No Michael." I frown. "I'm not that tired, and we haven't properly seen your family since our wedding."

"But I don't want you too exhausted. I can call her and rearrange for next weekend?"

I smile and turn around to face him.

"I'll feel more awake after a shower. Honestly, I'm fine. I want to see your family and I know they want to see us. I bet they can't wait to ask about our honeymoon, and we can show them all the pictures we took."

"Mmm..." Michael seals his lips together and makes a face. "We can still do all that next weekend." He mumbles.

I give him a look and stroke his cheek.

"We could rearrange for next weekend, but then you'll probably still try and keep me inside and say I need rest." I smile.

"Probably." He laughs softly.

"I'll be fine." I laugh with him and kiss his lips. "I don't want to cancel on your family. They're expecting us."

He stares at me and then sighs.

"Ok." He shows half a smile and strokes through my hair. "Take a shower and I'll make breakfast."

"Mmm." I grin. "Remember I'm eating for two now." I wrap my arms around his neck.

He laughs and rubs his hands up my waist.

"Maybe I need to get more food in. I'll take a trip to the shops and get some bits."

"Michael, you don't have to do that." I shake my head. "I was only joking. I'm fine with cereal or something." I chuckle.

He gives me a look.

"Cereal? You need more than that baby. I want to make you a nice breakfast. Are you craving anything yet?"

"Um, I don't think so?" I smile at how cute he is being.

"Ok." He smiles. "Well I won't be long at the shops."

I nod and stroke my hand up his neck.

"Is it ok if we don't tell your family I'm pregnant just yet? We only found out last night and I'd like to keep this moment between us for a little while."

"Yeah, of course." He says softly. "It's been a big surprise for me and you - a nice surprise, but we still need to let it sink in before we tell everyone. We can keep it between us for now." He smiles.

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