Chapter 64: Happy Ending

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I eventually told my parents everything. They cant actually believe how upset I've been and now they blame themselves. They were shocked to think that I thought I'd disappoint them, but really all along it was all just in my head. I cant help but feel I've let them down a little bit but they want to help me. They also couldn't believe how long I've kept me and Michael a secret for, and how my mom didn't realise after all the times she would see Michael come in to the shop. My dad is still so angry about that but my mom has calmed down a little bit. I knew she would be glad to know I'm not a lesbian.

I persuaded my parents not to say anything about me and Michael. I then got questioned by the University about what happened... and about my relationship with Michael... but I told them nothing. I wont tell them anything. I just kept to the story of me not wanting to be at Unvieristy and being stressed all the time, which is true. It didn't help though... no matter what I said they still let Michael go... they care too much about their reputation and said they didnt want something like this to happen again, because next time it could be someone else trying to kill themselves...

I think they questioned Holly, Jamie and Ryan too... but I'm not sure what they told them. Some how the University found out about Holly and other people calling me a slag, so I guess they have come to the conclusion that I tried to kill myself over an argument with some friends...

I've started to get some help, and since I've been open with my parents I've felt a lot better. I'm not taking the sleeping pills any more either, and that's been really hard but its slowly getting better. I've still got a way to go, and I'm so thankful Dani found me because I really didnt want to die. I'm so glad I'm still alive and I have her to thank for the rest of my life.

I'm not sure if I'll ever see Michael again... but what ever happens I'm so glad he came to see me. It made me so happy to know he loves me. It was a kind of closure, and I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm obviously going to miss him like crazy, and I'll always love him... I'll always kind of be waiting for him and thinking about him, but maybe i can try to finally move on now and sort my life out. I'm putting me first. I promised him that I'll get better, and that's what I'm going to do. Before I didnt think it could get better, but now I really believe it can. All of this has been a real wake up call.


I pack the last of my things and look around my room for the last time. I cant believe I'm actually leaving, and for good. I've had some good memories here... and a lot of bad ones too... I'm so happy I can finally be free. I sigh and pick up my bags. I leave my room and close the door.

I walk down the stairs and see Dani at the bottom of them frowning. I smile slowly.

"I cant believe you're actually going."

"Me neither." I sigh and stand next to her.

"I'm gonna miss you." She frowns and hugs me.

"I'll miss you too." I frown. "But we will still see each other! You're my best friend, and you saved my life. Plus you're kind of dating my other best friend, so it will be hard not to see you."

She giggles and makes a face.

"That's true, but I mean I'll miss going to lectures with you... and seeing you every day. Its gonna be weird."

"Yeah." I make a face. "I know... but you'll be ok. You can text me or call me whenever you want."

She nods and shows a little smile. She helps me take some of my bags to the front door.

"Alison." Holly calls my name.

I look back at her.

"I... I just wanted you to know I'm sorry... for everything I done to you. I know that doesn't mean much, and you don't have to accept it, but I really am sorry."

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