Chapter 3: Old Friend

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I slowly open my eyes from hearing my mom call me, knocking on my bedroom door.

"Hello? Is anyone alive in there?! It's almost one in the afternoon Al."

I widen my eyes and check my mobile. I quickly sit up and yawn. I needed that sleep.

"Alison?" My mom sighs.

"Yes I'm up!" I call out, with another yawn.

"Well get up before the weekend is over."

I roll my eyes and swing my legs around, getting out of my bed. I love coming back home because I actually get to sleep. I stretch and stand up. I walk in to my en suite bathroom and take a shower. I get ready and walk down stairs, in to the kitchen.

"Ah she's finally up." My mom smirks.

I sigh and open the fridge, picking up the orange juice.

"Diana she's been studying hard all week. Let the girl rest." My dad says putting down his newspaper.

I pull a face at my mom and she shakes her head. I sip my orange juice and sit down at the table next to my dad.

"I'd offer you breakfast sweetie, but it's lunch time." My mom says sarcastically.

"I'm not hungry anyway." I chuckle.

My phone pings. I lower my eyebrows and check it. It's a text from Dani.

Stay here next weekend! We will have a girls night. Miss you! X

I show a little smile. No one has ever said they miss me. Not sure why she misses me though... I'm not much fun.

"Oh, what's that smile for huh?" My mom smirks.

I put my mobile down and look over at her, as I pull a face.

"Or shall I say, who's that smile for?" She continues to smirk.

I shake my head.

"It's Just my house mate mom..."

"Oh." She frowns. "What did she say?"

I lower my eyebrows.

"Well... nothing really. Not that it's any of your business."

She gasps and then chuckles.


"It's her friend Diana." My dad says giving her a look. "It's her business."

"Ok ok." She sighs. "Anyway... do you have any plans today Al?"

"Uh nothing yet. Why?"

"Fancy coming to the coffee shop for a few hours?"

I roll my eyes and grunt.

"Please?" My mom asks. "Julie called in sick, so I was going to go in. Come work with your mom for a little while? You'll get money." She smiles.

"Ok." I sigh. "I guess I have nothing else to do."

"Great." She smiles. "Some mother and daughter time."

"Yeah." I show a fake smile.

Fifteen minutes later we head out to the coffee shop. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and get behind the counter next to my mom.

"This is fun ey? Like old times." She smiles at me.

I smile slowly.


It's a bit slow to start with but more customers come in as the afternoon goes by. It's almost time to close up and it's pretty dead now. I start cleaning one of the coffee machines. I hear the door open. I turn around to serve the customer and pause when I see it's Jade. She smiles at me.

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