Chapter 102: It Will Work Out

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So it's been a week now and I only have a few more days left to decide if I want to accept the job or not. I have just been on the phone to Natalia to explain my situation. I thought it's best they know now that I'm pregnant before I make a decision so I know how they feel about it. To my surprise she was absolutely fine about it and mostly congratulated me. She said they would still be more than happy to have me work with them and me being pregnant doesn't matter, it's all about how I feel mainly. It's not a problem for them unless it's a problem for me basically.

Me and Michael have had a lot of discussion over the week about it and he seems to be coming around to the idea a bit more. I'm definitely considering accepting it more so now because I know Natalia is fine with me being pregnant. What is mostly holding me back is having to tell my parents and Michael's family that we will be moving away... I know they will be upset about it because of me being pregnant... but that's just something we will have to deal with.

I have invited my parents over today for dinner to tell them the news about the baby... and possibly about us moving to New York, so this should be fun... not.

I'm dreading it.

I sit at the kitchen table, playing with my fingers nervously. I hear knocking on the front door and I frown, looking over at Michael.

"They're here." I say through a little moan, feeling anxious.

Jasper starts barking and runs over to the front door.

"It will be fine." Michael raises his eyebrows and shows a reassuring smile.

I sigh and stand up, tucking my hair behind my ears. He walks up to me and kisses my cheek, showing he's there for me. We both walk over to the front door and I take in a deep breath as I open it.

"Hi!" My mom smiles widely.

I see she has a bottle of wine with her. Jasper wags his tail frantically and starts jumping up at them excitedly.

"Hey, mom, dad." I show a little smile.

She gives me a big hug and then walks in, giving Michael a hug too.

"Hey sweetie." My dad smiles and kisses my cheek.

I smile and then watch him look at Michael.

"Hey Mike." He says patting Michael's arm.

"Hey, how are you both?" Michael asks.

"We're fine." My mom smiles. "How are you two?" She asks, looking over at me.

I shut the front door and we make our way in to the kitchen.

"We're good." I smile.

"It's been ages since we last saw you both." My mom says as she strokes Jasper.

"Yeah, sorry." I frown. "Since coming back from our honeymoon we have just been really busy with work and stuff..."

"Oooh you'll have to show us pictures Alison! I've been dying to see them."

"I will." I laugh softly.

"How has work been for both of you?" My dad asks.

"Uh, good." Michael nods as he checks on the food that's cooking.

"Yeah." I smile. "Busy as ever though."

"Here, I brought this over." My mom smiles, holding out the bottle of wine.

"Thanks, I'll put it in the fridge to chill." I smile and take it from her. "Sit down and I'll get you both a drink."

"You sit down too Al, I'll get the drinks." Michael looks at me.

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