Chapter 24: Spill

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I walk in to our student house and go up the stairs, unlocking the front door quietly. I don't look to see if anyone is up and I quickly go upstairs and in to my room. I shut my door and get in bed, wrapping myself up in my duvet. I close my eyes and just cry. The first time I really like someone and this happens. I cry for a little while but then I feel so exhausted and I start to fall asleep.

I stay in my room the whole day, and I wake up around 4pm. I hear the girls outside of my room talking and then one of them knocks on my door.

"Al?" Holly says behind the door.

"Can you just leave me alone?" I say back to her.

"Yeah... we just want to know if you're ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Ok... it's just we've been really worried about you."

I don't say anything and bury my face in to my pillow. They quietly talk to each other and then walk away.

The next day I get up and force myself out of my room to take a shower. I've been dreading today. I don't want to go to my lecture and I don't want to see Michael... I finish in the shower and get changed. My stomach rumbles. I haven't eaten at all... I should probably get something but that means having to see Dani and the others... I guess I have to see them at some point.

I take a deep breath and walk downstairs. I walk in to the kitchen... Dani is in here. She looks over at me. I look at her and then look away. I begin making myself some breakfast. It's very awkward and quiet for a while. I sit down and begin to eat.

"Al..." She says quietly.

I look up at her and don't say anything, as I continue to eat.

"I'm really sorry about what happened."

I nod and look back down. It goes silent again. She looks at the time and sighs standing up.

"We're going to be late."

"I'm not going." I say keeping my eyes on my food.

"Why?" She frowns.

"I don't feel well."

"Dont do this because of what happened... I am really sorry."

"I said I'm not feeling good." I give her a look.

"Ok." She sighs. "Well can we talk later?"

I dont answer her.

"Right... I'll see you later?"

I sip my water and sit back. She frowns and walks out. Once shes gone Holly and Becky walk through.

"Hey Al." They both say, trying to be nice.

"Are you ok?" Becky asks.

I look at them and finish my breakfast. I stand up and walk out of the kitchen. They frown and watch me leave. I go back up to my room and get back in to my bed. I don't want to talk or be around anyone at the moment.

As the days go by I barely leave my room and I dont talk to the girls. I haven't been to any of my lectures either this week, which means I've missed out and I'm going to have to catch up... but right now I dont even care.

I should probably talk to Dani, but it's just awkward and I'm still upset about the situation. I will talk to her at some point... but maybe not yet. I dont know, I'm just too upset to talk to anyone. Jamie has been texting me, making sure I'm ok which is nice ot him. He is probably the only one who really cares about me... and I wish I liked him instead of Michael.

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