Chapter 88: Goodbye Malcolm Johnson

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I stir in my sleep, slowly waking up with a dry mouth. Michael still has his arms wrapped around me and my face is still pushed against his chest. I blink slowly, feeling tired and thirsty, but I lay for a little while feeling Michael's chest move up and down, and listen to him making cute, little noises in his sleep. I don't want to wake him, but I really need some water.

I move back a little bit, trying to go slowly and as gently as I can. I hold his arm, gradually lifting it off of me but then Michael moans, stirring in his sleep. He scrunches his face up and I slowly try moving on to my other side to get out of the bed.

"Alison?" He moans, half awake and half asleep now.

He wraps his arm back around me, pulling me back. I smile and look at him. He still has his eyes closed. He's so fucking cute.

"I just need some water." I whisper.

"Mmm." He sighs and squeezes me gently. "Don't go."

I lower my eyebrows and smile, kissing his cheek as I take his arm away from me again. His eyes slowly flicker open now and he looks at me silently. I smile seeing how sexy and adorable he looks.

"I'll be right back."

"Mmm." He hums, closing his eyes again.

I carefully get off of the bed and quietly leave my room. I go downstairs and pour myself a glass of water, trying to be quick. I go back upstairs, trying not to wake anyone and go back in to my room. My room is a little bit light now and I can hear birds chirping outside... it must be really early. I close the door and see Michael sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Sorry I woke you." I say quietly.

"That's ok." His voice is a little bit raspy and very sexy from just waking up.

He rubs his face and looks at me as I sip my water. I take one last long sip and lick my lips, walking towards him.

"Do you want some?" I ask.

I stand between his legs now and he looks up at me, with his eyes suddenly looking very awake and alert. He nods and I give him my glass of water. I watch him take a few sips and then he hands it back to me. I lean over, placing down the glass on my bedside table and then feel Michael hold my hips.

I look down at him and he stares up at me, gently squeezing my hips. His eyes scan down my body and then he slides his hand across and up my stomach. I bite my lip, watching him feel on my hips and stomach. I'm starting to throb and feel myself getting wet by his touch.

I run my hands through his hair and he breathes in deeply, resting the side of his face on my stomach, wrapping his arms around my thighs, hugging me tightly. I smile and stroke my fingers along the back of his neck, feeling so turned on.

He stops hugging me and slides his hands up the back of my thighs. His hands follow my curves and rub and squeeze my ass. I sigh as we continue to look intensely in to each others eyes.

He goes from rubbing my ass to now hooking his fingers on my panties and pulling them down. He slides them down my legs and I step out of them. I pull up my over sized t-shirt and lift it over my head, dropping it to the floor. I'm standing in front of Michael, completely naked now.

He looks at my body like he's looking at a painting. He bites his lip and grips my hips with his big hands. I smile and let out a little laugh, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"What?" He smiles.

"You always look at me like it's the first time you've seen me naked."

"Because you're beautiful." He looks up at me and starts planting soft kisses along my lower stomach.

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