Chapter 81: Play It, Naked

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Michael licks his lips and breathes out heavily as he sits back in his chair.

"I'm going to leave the rest for later."

I smile seeing how full he feels and look at all of the left over pizza.

"Me too." I nod, feeling full myself and glad that the food is slowly sobering me up. "I think mine tasted better though." I grin.

"Mine looked better." He smirks. "I was trying to be cute and romantic. I gave you my heart Al." He frowns, trying to persuade me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Ok." I chuckle and roll my eyes. "It was very cute... You win."

He smirks.

"I'm ready for dessert now."

"I thought you were full?" I lower my eyebrows.

He shakes his head and looks me up and down.

"I've always got room for you baby."

I smile widely and squint my eyes at him.

"I told you I'm not on the menu, well, not yet anyway." I chuckle and stand up. "You have to eat what I give you."

"Demanding." He bites his lip. "So you're gonna give me yourself?" He smiles.

"I'm giving you red velvet cake." I giggle and pick the cake up.

I walk back over to table and shoot him a look as I place it down. He leans forward with a little smile as his eyes trace over the cake.

"Even though that looks really good, you're more enticing." He licks his lips as his eyes land on me now. "This is the cake I want right now." He reaches out and grabs my ass.

"Michael!" I gasp dramatically and laugh, jumping a bit from his sudden touch.

He grins as he pulls me towards him. I look down at him and stroke my hands through his hair. He wraps his arms around me and we smile at each other.

"Did you make it?" He asks.

I feel his hands slide down my ass, and then up the back of my thighs, going up and under my skirt slowly.

"No..." I bite my lip.

"No?!" He smirks and grabs both of my ass cheeks roughly, pulling at my tights as he does this.

I let out a little moan and giggle.

"I was going to, but I ran out of time..."

He gives me a look and continues to rub and squeeze my bum.

"Did you buy it?" He slides his hands to the front of my thighs now.

I smirk and push his hands away. I step back from him and he makes a face.

"My mom made it."

He raises his eyebrows and makes a face.

"We used her flour, drank her wine and now we're eating the cake she made." Michael laughs. "Will she mind?"

"No, she's always baking." I shake my head.

"Well, like I said, I'm happy to have you instead." He smiles.

"I'm too full to have sex Michael." I frown and laugh softly. "I feel fat."

"Shut up." He gives me a look and shakes his head. "You're beautiful."

I show a little smile and feel my cheeks heat up.

"Let's at least let our food go down first, or I might be sick over you." I chuckle.

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