Chapter 68: Sweet Fantasy

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Good morning beautiful xx

I lay in bed smiling to myself, reading the text over and over again. Michael has never text me first thing in the morning... it makes me feel like I was the first thing on his mind and that makes my heart beat so hard. I bite my lip and text him back.

Good morning Michael :)

I make a face. I don't just want to leave it as good morning... I continue the text.

How did you sleep? Xx

Does that sound ok? I sigh and hover my thumb over the send button. I smile and quickly press send. I stare up at the ceiling, already feeling butterflies in my stomach. All I keep thinking about is how amazing last night was and I can't stop smiling. It couldn't have been any more perfect.

My phone pings and I pick it up so fast that I almost lose grip of it causing it to almost hit me in my face. Chill Alison! I sigh when I see my boss, Paul, has sent me a text.

Hi Alison, would you like some extra hours today? Paul.

I make a face. I can't say I'm really feeling work today. He doesn't ask often, so maybe he needs help today. I don't reply instantly and get up to get ready.

I finish in the shower and sit on my bed, checking my phone. I smile seeing Michael has replied.

I couldn't stop thinking about you when I got home, so it took me some time to get to sleep. I hope you slept ok? Xx

Aww. I'm smiling so much my cheeks are starting to hurt. I reply:

I kept thinking about you too.. I still haven't stopped thinking about you. The date last night was lovely xx

I smile and press send. I put on a black pair of tights, a skirt and a white blouse. I brush out my hair and spray on some perfume. I go downstairs and take a deep breath before entering the kitchen. Here come the thousands of questions. I sit down at the kitchen table, opposite my dad and grab an apple from the fruit bowl.

"You had us worried last night Alison." My dad says putting down the book he was reading.

"I know... I'm sorry. I should have let you know I was ok." I take a bite of my apple.

"I was this close to calling the police." My mom shakes her head.

"We know you're not a kid, and you can go out on dates, but that guy was a stranger and we didn't hear anything from you." My dad says, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Yeah, I know. It wont happen again." I try not to sigh and take another bite of my apple.

"We didn't even know you'd left yesterday! Why didn't you say bye?" My mom gives me a look. "You even left Dani and Jade here."

I swallow some of my apple and look at her.

"I shouted out bye... you must not have heard me?"

She pulls a face, like she doesn't believe me.

"What's this guys name anyway?" My dad asks. "I haven't heard anything about him."

"Uh, Malcolm..."

My dad doesn't usually act like this... so he must be pissed.


"Yeah... Malcolm."

He gives me a look.

"Yeah, but Malcom who?"

Shit. I stay quiet and eat more of my apple.

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