Chapter 60: I Thought We Were Friends?

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I look at Jamie sleeping. I cant believe I've done this to him. I feel like such a horrible person... but I need to get out of here. I haven't slept at all because I didnt have my sleeping pills. I feel so shit. I need to go get my pills and I just want a shower, but that means having to go face Holly... and I dont want to do that right now. I dont have a choice though.

I quietly leave Jamie's room and go down stairs. Just as I reach the bottom I see Ryan sat up, rubbing his eyes. I sigh and put on my shoes. Ryan sees me and smiles.

"Good night last night wasn't it?"

I ignore him. He stands up and walks towards me.

"Looks like you had a good night." He chuckles and looks me up and down.

I make a face.

"Can you tell Jamie I had to go... please?"

He raises an eyebrow and then smiles slowly.

"Wait, did you and him?"

I look away.

"Oh shit..." He raises his eyebrows and smiles. "And now you're running off? I didnt think you were like that."

I shake my head and frown. I feel like I want to cry.

"Its not like that... I.. I just need to go."

"Right." He smirks. "Shit in bed was he?"

"Shut up Ryan. All of this is your fucking fault. You're a shitty friend."

He scoffs and gives me a look.

I shake my head and walk over to the front door. I quickly leave and walk through campus as tears roll down my cheeks. Maybe I could just go to my parents. I could try and call Dani to pack me a bag so I dont have to go inside and then I'll just go back home.

I take my phone out and see I have a couple of texts and a missed call from Michael... i stop in my tracks and lower my eyebrows. He tried to call me back...

Al, I'm sorry I missed your call. What's wrong? X

I just tried calling you back. I guess you're out celebrating. I hope you're ok. Please don't think about me. Have a good night x

I frown. Fuck. He wasn't ignoring me this time... shit. I sigh and call Dani. She doesn't answer. Shes probably still fucking sleeping. I keep calling her until she answers.

"Uh hello?" She croaks.

I try not to get upset on the phone.

"Dani..." But I burst out crying.

"Shit, Alison what's wrong?!"

"Can you just please pack some of my things. I'm going to my parents."

"Wait what? Where are you? What's happened?"

"Its ok, I'm by our student house but I'll explain later ok? Just pack me some things please, and bring the sleeping pills."

"Um.. ok? I'll be as quick as I can."

"Thanks." I sniff and we hang up.


"That fucking bitch!" Jade scoffs. "I'm gonna rip Holly's fake hair extensions out. How dare she treat you like that!"

"Yeah what a fucking bitch!" Dani frowns. "Someone needs to be told about this!"

"No, please dont make it more worse you guys." I frown. "I know it's bad, but I dont want any more drama. This has all gone too far. I hate it."

"But look what shes done. You dont even want to go back in to the student house because of her. She cant do this to you. You've done nothing wrong." Jade shakes her head.

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