Chapter 30: Storm

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Michael puts his hand up quickly.

"Stop!!" He raises his voice sounding worried.

But that only panicks me more and I push down on the accelerator.


"Al! Break!"

I quickly break, making us jolt and i breathe out heavily. Michael sighs and I frown sitting back, feeling my heart beat quickly.

"I told you I was nervous about driving!" I look at him.

"You almost hit in to that lamppost." He raises his eyebrows, still looking a bit worried.

"I was about to stop. You made me freak out by shouting which caused me to push down on the accelerator more!"

He smiles and breathes out slowly. I lower my eyebrows and smile too. Im glad he finds it funny. I laugh and shake my head.

"I'm sorry."

"At least you didn't hit my car." He laughs.

"I haven't drove your car in weeks." I frown.

"I know, but you were doing well and then for some reason you started speeding up." He chuckles.

I sigh and run my hand through my hair, resting my elbow on the car door.

"I guess I'm not really concentrating today."

"You don't say?" He smirks.

I grin and look at him.

"Its fine. We can take a break."

I nod. He takes his seatbelt off and gets out of the car. I watch him look over his car and then he gets back in.

"Just double checking." He laughs.

I give him a look and chuckle.

"I haven't damaged it have I?"

"No." He smiles.

Suddenly I hear light rain falling on to the car, and then it starts to pour down.

"Oh great." Michael says frowning at the rain. "Maybe we should finish the lessons for today." He laughs. "I don't want you driving in this weather."

"Yeah, I think that's sensible." I laugh lightly.

We go quiet, listening to the rain fall down hard on to the car.

"I love this." Michael says staring out at the rain.

I look at him, admiring his cuteness. He looks at me.

"Hearing rain fall down. Its such a nice sound and feeling."

I show a little smile and nod.

"Yeah, especially at night in bed."

"Yeah." He smiles. "It's relaxing."

I look out of the window, watching the rain fall.

Now we are back in his car I start thinking back to our date... I wonder how many dates he has had? Or girlfriends... Now he knows I'm a virgin and haven't had any experience with boys, I want to know what experiences hes had. I look at him. He is staring out of the window looking like hes thinking about something... but then turns his head to look at me. We look at each other and I show a little smile.

"How many girlfriends have you had?" I ask softly.

He looks a little surprised by the question but then smiles. He shakes his head.

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