Chapter 95: Go Fetch

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"Jasper!" I hear Michael call out from the hallway.

I put one of our honeymoon pictures in a new photo frame and place it up next to our wedding photos. I smile looking at my graduation photo and the photos we took in Paris. I love looking at the memories we have made.

"Jasper, come here!" Michael calls out.

"He won't listen to you!" I shout and laugh.

I hear Michael sigh as he walks in to the living room.

"Because he hates me."

"He doesn't hate you." I give him a look and roll my eyes.

"He prefers you." Michael makes a face and walks up behind me.

He wraps his arms around me and smiles looking at the photos.

"I love that picture of us on the beach." He kisses my cheek.

"Yeah." I smile. "We had such a good honeymoon. I want to go back." I frown.

"Me too. Them two weeks in Hawaii flew by. We'll go back one day." He squeezes me gently.

I smile and look up at him.

"Have you put the picnic in the car?"

"Yeah, I just need to get the blankets."

"I'll get Jasper." I smile and kiss his lips.

Michael smiles and looks me up and down. He makes it clear that he wants more than just a peck on the lips by planting his lips back on to mine, kissing me for longer. He turns me around as he kisses me deeply and holds the back of my head. I moan and smile against his lips as I push his chest, taking myself away from him.

He keeps a tight grip on my hips keeping me pushed up against him. I raise my eyebrows and giggle feeling he has become excited.

"Michael..." I bite my lip.

"What?" He grins and moves his face in to my neck, knowing full well 'what'.

He kisses up my neck slowly and rubs his hands over my ass. I moan through my smiling and feel him slide his hands up my thighs, lifting up my dress as he does it.

"You smell so good." He inhales and bites gently on my neck.

He grips my dress tightly and rubs his hands over my butt cheeks, feeling my panties as he does this.

"Michael stop." I giggle.

"But you look so good in this dress." He smiles and then picks up my thigh.

"We had sex earlier." I laugh and put my leg back down.

"That was a few hours ago when we woke up." He frowns. "I had you for breakfast and now I want you for lunch." He bites his lip.

"We're having a picnic remember?" I smirk.

"You're my picnic." He smiles.

"You can have me later." I bite my lip and look him up and down. "Go get the blankets."

He makes a face and bites his lip watching me turn around. I smirk knowing I've just left him all horny and glance back at him, seeing he is following me in to the kitchen.

"Jasper!" I call out as I look over at the garden. "Come here boy!"

Within seconds he comes running up to me from the garden holding his favourite ball in his mouth. Michael sucks his teeth and rolls his eyes.

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