Chapter 63: No More Hiding

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My eyes slowly flicker open. The first thing I see is my parents. I feel so weak and I'm not feeling so good. I look around and see I'm in a hospital bed.

"Alison." My mom frowns and then holds my hand.

My dad shows a smile but I can see hes upset. My mom stands up and kisses my forehead.

"How are you feeling sweetie?" My mom asks, sounding like shes about to cry.

"Not so good..." I say feeling groggy.

My parents frown.

"Dani, your friend found you on the floor in your bedroom. She saved your life Al." My mom wipes away the tears that have now fallen from her eyes.

I stay quiet and then look down feeling upset. I cant believe I've done this... I'm so stupid... I didnt even think about how upset my parents would be. I didnt think about what my actions would cause...

"You almost died." My dad says choking up.

"I'm sorry." I say as my voice shakes.

I dont like seeing how upset they are.

"You're here and awake now, that's what matters." My mom shows a little smile.

"Its ok." My dad smiles too. "But why didn't you speak to us if you felt like this? Why did you try killing yourself?"

My mom looks at him.

"Matthew you know what the doctor said. We cant ask her all of this yet."

"I know, but shes my daughter. We almost lost her. I just want to know what's been going through her head."

I shake my head.

"I wasn't thinking..."

They go quiet for a couple of minutes and then my mom frowns.

"The University told us theres been some name calling? Are you being bullied Al?"

I stay looking down.


"Are you feeling pressured from all the course work? Being at University?"

I dont say anything.

"Its ok." My mom says squeezing my hand. "You can tell us Alison. I know being there can be stressful, and it's a lot of work."

"The University told us you're not doing so well... with your grades and attendance. Everything has got on top of you hasn't it?"

I look at my dad and he frowns.

"I wish they'd have told us this sooner." My mom shakes her head in frustration. "I saw how upset you were sometimes... I should have been a better mother and got you to speak to me. I feel so responsible.. I should have checked up on you more."

"No." I shake my head. "Dont say that..."

"We didn't even know you were taking sleeping pills. The doctor said you could be addicted to them... how long have you been taking them?"

I frown.

"I dont want to talk about this yet..."

My dad sighs and my mom nods slowly starting to cry again.

"The doctor said you need a lot of rest... and not to ask you so many questions. We're sorry Al, but we're just so worried."

"I know..." I nod. "I'm sorry."

"Stop saying sorry." My mom shows a little smile. "We'll let you rest... but we're here when you're ready to talk ok?"

"Ok..." I say quietly.

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