Chapter 46: Who Is She?

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I look around the restaurant and then at Michael. He is staring at me. I tuck some hair behind my ear and glance down.

"You don't mind us being out in public?" I ask.

"Who's gonna see us?"

I shrug one shoulder.

"I just thought you cared more about that. About being seen with me."

"I thought you would like this?"

"I do." I smile. "But I know you're not comfortable with it."

He sighs and looks down at his menu. I give him a look and then look down at mine. A couple of minutes later the waiter comes and takes our order. He takes our menus and walks off.

"Are you sure a sandwich is all you want?" Michael asks.

"Yeah, I'm not that hungry." I shake my head.

"Not even after last night?" He gives me a look and smirks.

"No." I smile slowly and shrug one shoulder.

He looks me up and down and sips his drink.

"Why did you start taking them?" He asks.

I sigh.

"We've just got here and now you're gonna question me? We've been here 5 minutes."

He rolls his eyes and sits back looking annoyed.

"Why do you care so much?" I lower my eyebrows. "And don't say that same old crap about you being my teacher."

He gives me a look.

"Seriously Al? My feelings for you go beyond a teacher and student relationship. Isn't that obvious? I'm worried about you."

I stare at him and pause for a second.

"You shouldn't worry about me. I'm ok." I try to reassure him.

He shakes his head.

"Looking back it explains a lot of things."

"Like?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Why you were always so tired, how you would almost fall asleep in lectures, being late to class, not doing your work."

I shake my head.

"Not everything is to do with the sleeping pills Michael."

He stares at me.

"Well then tell me. Tell me what's going on."

I rub my face and sit back.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Why?" He lowers his eyebrows.

"Because.." I sigh. "I just don't."

"Does anyone else know you're taking pills?"

I let out a slight laugh.

"You're saying it as though I'm a drug addict and have a problem. They just help me sleep. I don't get high off them."

"I'm just trying to talk to you. Stop biting my head off. I dont think you realise how serious this is."

"Its not serious becuase I dont have a problem Michael."

"Ok, so no one else knows about it?"

"No. Only Dani, and now you."

"And you didnt think to speak to anyone? Or tell anyone? Not even your parents, or a doctor?"

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