Chapter 36: Second Pill

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"I already wanna fuck you again." Michael smiles and rubs my leg.

I smile as he leans over kissing me. I hold his face and pull my lips away from his.

"Why dont you?" I bite my lip.

"I want to." He sighs. "But I should take you back."

"I don't want to go yet." I shake my head.

He licks his lips and looks me up and down.

"When is our second date?" I ask with a smirk.

"Saturday." He smiles.

"Can I still stay the night?"

He gives me a look.

"Of course." He grins. "I'll have you all to myself and wont have to worry about people seeing us... I can take my time with you."

I smile slowly and then start to think about the underwear I got today. I cant wait to wear it for him.

"So you went shopping today huh?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Did you get anything nice?" He asks, kissing in to my neck.

I chuckle and stroke my hand through his hair.


He looks up at me and smirks.


I nod and smile.

"What did you get?"

"Its a surprise."

He raises an eyebrow.

"You gonna keep me waiting?"

"Only until Saturday." I smirk.

He sighs and grins.

"You got me thinking all sorts now."

I laugh lightly and kiss his cheek.

"Saturday isn't far away."

"Yeah, but you're doing things to me girl."

I stare at him and smile. What does he mean things? Maybe that means hes starting to really like me? He starts up his car and begins to drive back to campus. I wish I could stay with him.

He parks around the corner from campus and we look at each other. He runs his hand through my hair and I show half a smile.

"I wish i could stay with you..." I say quietly.

He smiles.

"Saturday isn't far away." He gives me a look, repeating what I told him.

I laugh lightly and make a face.

"But you're doing things to me."

He laughs and then looks in to my eyes. It goes quiet and then he leans over kissing me softly. He slides his tongue in to my mouth and I moan as I hold the back of his neck. He rubs up my leg getting close to my vagina. He takes his lips away from mine and looks back in to my eyes.

"Like making you horny?" He asks, now rubbing my clit, through my leggings.

I smile and bite my lip as I feel myself throbbing hard.

"Yeah." I moan. "Every time I see you."

He smirks and I kiss him again. He stops rubbing through my leggings and then moves his hand up to my boobs, cupping one of my breasts. He squeezes it and then slides his hand up to my neck. I moan in his mouth and then he takes his lips away from mine.

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