Chapter 65: Second Thoughts

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I feel like today hasn't been real. I feel like I'm in a dream or something. I just can't believe I saw Michael and my heart has been racing ever since. I seriously thought I would never see him again, so I tried my best to get over him... I mean, it's been just over a year since we last saw each other... when I was in hospital. Man, it's brought back so many memories and feelings.

I stop staring at the fridge and sip some water. I take a deep breath in and then look down at my bracelet. A smile slowly forms across my face, as I feel on the music charms. It feels like yesterday when Michael gave me this. My smile slowly fades and I close my eyes, running my hands through my hair.

I'm honestly so happy that I've seen Michael again, but I'm scared too and I'm not sure why? I'm nervous, which is obviously to be expected, but why am I scared? I feel bad for feeling like this... i should just be happy and excited, and I am... but I'm also kind of worried... hell, I'm feeling every emotion right now! I went through so much with him, and I never stopped loving him.

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear footsteps across the landing upstairs, and hear someone making their way down the stairs. My mom enters the kitchen and squints her eyes from the brightness of the lights, looking at me.

"Alison? It's 2am, what are you doing up?" She asks through a croak.

"I couldn't sleep." I shake my head, and then look down at my bracelet.

How can I sleep after today? All I can think of is Michael, and how nervous I am about this date we are going to have.

My mom makes a face and then pours herself a glass of water. I look over my shoulder and see her take out some pain relief.

"I can't get much sleep either." She sighs and shakes her head. "Your father on the other hand is dead to the world."

I laugh softly, knowing dad has always been a deep sleeper.

"You still not feeling well?" I ask.

"No." She says, before taking the tablets. "This headache just wont go, and my nose is so stuffy. I must be coming down with the flu or something." She makes a face.

"Maybe." I make a face. "Stay clear of me. I dont want to catch it." I smile and then start to touch my bracelet again, going silent.

My mom laughs quietly and then she goes silent too. She watches me play with my bracelet.

"Why can't you sleep?" She asks.

I shrug lightly.

"You got something on your mind?"

I show half a smile and shake my head. Yeah, Michael. He has always been on my mind.


"Then what's up?" She asks. "I know you're thinking about something." She smirks.

I tuck my hair behind my ear and look at her. I pause for a second before answering her.

"I uh..." I show a little smile and then shake my head, looking away from her.

"What?" She raises her eyebrows and smiles.


"Come on, you've got to tell me now." She grins and walks over to me.

She pulls out a chair and sits next to me, holding her glass of water.

"If you don't tell me, I'll start to worry about you." She gives me a look.

I dont want her to worry about me, especially after everything I put her and my dad through last year... and that was because I was never honest with them... I've learnt a lot since then. I look at her quietly.

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