Chapter 2: Pay Attention

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I sit at the kitchen table, looking through my social media on my mobile.

"I'm cooking pasta. You want any Al?" Dani asks, as she puts a pan on the oven.

I look up from my mobile.

"Yeah, thanks." I nod.

She smiles as she boils some water. We hear the sound of high heels come in to the kitchen and we look over our shoulder. Holly walks in and quickly rushes over to the kitchen counter.

"That's where I left it." She sighs picking up her mobile.

Dani raises her eyebrow and looks Holly up and down.

"Going some where?" She asks.

Holly takes a while to respond as she texts away on her mobile.

"Uh yeah." Holly replies, flickering her eyes up to Dani and back down to her mobile.

"Don't want any pasta then?" Dani asks with a chuckle.

"No thanks." Holly chuckles. "Im going out for food."

"Ooooh. With?" Dani smirks.

"Ryan. The guy who I met at the Freshers party."

We have been here a month... and Holly has already got her head in the clouds with boys... I raise my eyebrows and look back at my mobile, keeping quiet.

"You really like him don't you?!" Dani smiles.

Holly smiles slowly and shakes her head.

"No, it's just a bit of fun." She shrugs. "Anyway, I'm going now. Don't wait up." She smiles.

"We won't." Dani laughs.

"Bye." She smirks.

"Bye." I smile at her as she walks out.

Dani dishes up our food and sits next to me.

"Thanks." I smile, beginning to eat.

"No problem. It's your turn to cook next time." She grins.

I chuckle.

"That's fair enough."

We eat in silence for a few seconds.

"Holly definitely loves the attention she gets doesn't she?" Dani chuckles.

"Yeah." I nod. "I can't believe she's got herself attached to a boy already."

"I know." She nods. "But as long as she still does her work, and turns up to lessons then she'll be fine."

"Yeah... and as long as she doesn't get pregnant."

Dani laughs and raises her eyebrows.


"What?" I lower my eyebrows and laugh.

"The way you said it." She chuckles.

"Oh, I wasn't being bitchy."

"I know." She smiles. "But yeah, let's hope that doesn't happen."

I smirk. Becky walks in and looks at us.

"Where's my pasta?!" She says pretending to be offended.

"Don't worry." Dani laughs. "There's still some in the pan."

Becky smiles and gets herself a plate. She sits at the table with us as we eat.

"So.." Becky says finishing a mouthful of her food. "Whens your next lesson with Mr Hottie?"

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