Chapter 39: Pulls Me Back

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I really thought Michael would have responded to that text Jade sent... but he didn't... and that shows a lot. At first I was hoping he wouldn't reply because I felt bad, but then I hoped he would because it would have showed he cares. Why wouldn't he reply to that? Doesn't he care about me and Jamie any more? If he doesn't then that means he doesn't care about me. I thought he was jealous of Jamie? I haven't heard anything from him, but maybe I should have text him to say sorry? Maybe he is upset? I guess I won't know until I see him tomorrow.

Jade didnt leave until late yesterday and today I spent some of the day with Jamie again... seeing as me and Dani still arent friends, I've just wanted to take my mind off of Michael. I'm fed up with feeling confused and upset.


I finish eating my breakfast and then see Dani head out the front door. I sigh and pick up my bag, heading out too. I walk to the lecture looking ahead at Dani as she walks in front of me. I wonder how much longer this is going to go on for.

I'm nervous and excited about seeing Michael. It feels like it's been ages since I last saw and spoke to him. I hope he isn't mad at me... if he is this is Jades fault.

I walk in to the lecture and glance around the room. Dani tries her best to avoid looking at me. I sigh. My heart skips a beat as I look at Michael and walk over to a chair. He doesn't look at me, and instead stays looking at his laptop screen. I frown and sit down. So now everyone is fucking ignoring me.

I keep looking over at him hoping he will look at me but he doesn't. He looks so handsome today... but I dont let that distract me. He is really being off with me. Why isn't he looking at me? This is just deja vu.

Michael begins the lecture talking to the class... I try my best to follow the work. Halfway through he starts handing out the recent essay we were assigned. He walks to everyone's desk and then walks to mine. I look up at him hoping he looks at me but he avoids my eye contact and places down my essay... he makes sure to not stand too closely either.

I frown and look at the essay which makes me even more upset. I failed it. It's my worst mark yet... I rub my face and sigh. I feel like I want to cry now, but i hold the tears back.

The lecture ends and everyone packs away their things. I make sure to wait until everyone has gone becuase I really want to speak to him and clear some things up... surely that text couldn't have pissed him off that much?

I walk over to Michael slowly. He stays sitting behind his desk, looking at some paper work.

"Hey." I say quietly.

He slowly looks up from something he is reading and finally looks at me. I show a little smile.

"Hi." He says bluntly, and then looks back at the paper work.

I lower my eyebrows. He barely looked at me.

"Why are you being like this?" I ask.

He lowers his eyebrows and then glances up at me.

"Is there something you wanted?" He asks.

I give him a look.


"Is it about your failed essay?"

I stare at him.

"No? I dont care about that."

He gives me a look.

"Well you should."

I scoff.

"What I care about is why you're ignoring me."

He sighs.

"And I care about my students doing well, but at the moment you're not are you? You dont focus, you dont take notes, and now you've failed one of the most important pieces of work for this term."

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