Chapter 94: From This Day Forward

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"Are you ok dad?"

My dad gulps and tries to compose himself as he holds back his tears.

"Yeah." Is all he can manage to say.

I can see he just wants to burst in to tears which instantly makes me want to cry. He shows a little smile as he looks at me, taking in a deep breath and wiping his eyes.

"You just look so beautiful Alison." His voice breaks.

"Aw dad." I frown. "You're going to make me cry." I swallow down the lump in my throat.

"Don't you start crying." He laughs softly as he sniffs.

"Here you go." Jade smiles as she hands me and my dad some tissue.

"I'm sorry. I need to get myself together!" He shakes his head and clears his throat.

"Its ok dad." I laugh softly and carefully dab my eyes, trying not to ruin my makeup.

I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. Dani and Jade quickly touch up my hair and make sure everything still looks perfect.

The sound of Clair de Lune begins to play softly which causes my heart to start beating even faster. I am so glad we picked this song. It means a lot to us... it's the first song I played to Michael.

"You ready Al?" Dani smiles.

The butterflies flutter around my stomach and I smile feeling nervous and excited at the same time.

"Yeah." I nod and stand up straight, putting my shoulders back.

Jade and Dani smile widely and walk ahead, opening the big doors.

My dad smiles and holds out his arm for me to hold. I look at him and link my arm around his. He puts his hand on top my mine and squeezes it reassuringly.

My eyes fix on to the back of Michael in his navy blue wedding suit as we slowly enter the room. I smile widely and feel so overcome with emotion. I'm definitely going to start crying. Everyone's heads are turned as they smile widely, watching me walk up the aisle. My mom is crying a little bit and so is Michael's mom. I try my best to keep my tears back and smile at them because I don't want to see them cry.

We are getting closer to Michael now. I just can't wait to look at him and stand by him. He turns his head a little bit, looking like he hesitates to turn all the way, but he can't resist and gives in. He looks back at me and locks his wide eyes on to mine, showing his big, beautiful, infectious smile. I smile back at him and now I'm crying.

My dad stops just in front of Michael and kisses my cheek before letting go of my arm. He smiles at Michael, holding back his emotions and pats his shoulder before sitting down next to my mom.

Michael can't stop smiling and holds my hands, bringing me in front of him. He looks down admiring my dress and then looks back up to my eyes. He looks like he wants to cry too.

"You look absolutely beautiful." He says softly with a little crack in his voice. "Don't cry baby." He frowns and gently wipes his thumb over some tears that are rolling down my cheeks.

A tear rolls down his cheek now and I shake my head and smile, reaching my hand up to his face.

"I don't want you to cry either." I softly wipe my thumb over his cheek, wiping the tear away.

We realise we are now standing in front of each other, trying to wipe each others tears away. Some of our family and friends laugh and aw at us. Michael laughs softly and then clears his throat, trying to compose himself. I laugh too and look him up and down.

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