Chapter 103: Perfect

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The last 8 months have been a rollercoaster of emotions. There's been a lot of ups and some downs, but we got there in the end.

Our move to New York wasn't too stressful because we had the help of my parents and Michael's family. At first his family were a little upset about it, but just like my parents they came around to the idea and just wanted to help us. Dani and Jade have been there every step of the way too, so I am very grateful for that. Everyone has already been up to visit us quite a lot in the small time that we have been here and me and Michael couldn't be happier.

The house that we are living in is just perfect too. We have a big garden, which Jasper loves and plenty of room for our baby. Well, enough room for more than one if we want any more in the future. Michael loved the bathroom and it reminded us of the bathroom in Paris with the huge bath tub so that won us over. We've been having a lot of fun with that... and the size is perfect and so relaxing for me now that I'm the size of a whale.

My job couldn't be more perfect and I absolutely love it! I was a bag of nerves when I first started but I soon settled in. The people I work with have been very supportive, especially because of my situation and they are all really nice.
Michael also started applying to jobs before we moved and it only took him about a month to get back in to a job, a teaching job too. Everything has sort of fallen in to place and I'm very lucky. It hasn't all been easy, but all of it was worth it.

I really couldn't have done any of this without Michael's love and support. He has really been there for me and encouraged me all the way, while taking good care of me and making sure the baby is ok.

I'm currently on maternity leave and due to give birth in a week. I'm very excited, but I have got to the point of just wanting the baby out of me now! My back constantly aches and I feel so fat. My whole pregnancy has gone really well and I've been lucky to be one of them women who have a good experience, but now it's near the end I'm just ready to pop the baby out! I feel like I'm walking around like a pregnant Sim all the time!

I hear the doorbell ring and smile to myself. I rub my baby bump and waddle over to the front door. I open it and see the grinning smiles of my parents.

"Hi darling." My mom says placing her hand gently on my stomach and giving me an awkward hug. "The baby has been growing nicely since the last time we saw you!" She laughs.

Yep... I'm huge. And it's an awkward hug because of my big stomach being in the way.

"Hey, how are you doing?" My dad smiles, also trying his best to hug me.

I blow out some air and smile.

"I'm good. Just exhausted and my body aches, but apart from that, I'm good." I laugh softly and rub my stomach.

"Aw, I know what you're going through, but it won't be long now until she's here!" My mom says excitedly walking in to the house.

"Yeah, it's all worth it." My dad smiles as he brings in his and my moms suitcases.

"I know." I smile. "How was your flight?"

"It was fine." My mom says, now helping my dad. "We have kind of got used to it all now."

"It's still a lot of travelling. Go sit down and I'll make you a drink."

"Don't worry about us, we're fine." My mom makes a face and shakes her head.

"We aren't the ones about to give birth." My dad laughs. "We can get ourselves a drink Al."

I smile and roll my eyes. We walk in to the kitchen and I carefully sit down on a chair, watching my parents make us a drink.

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