Chapter 32: Love Hearts

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"How was your weekend?" Dani asks me as we make our way to our lecture.

I smile widely thinking of Michael.

"It was good. How was yours?"

"Ok." She shrugs. "I've been trying to study more at weekends but it's hard with Becky and Holly. They are always wanting to go out and get drunk... and I always give in." She laughs.

"Yeah." I chuckle. "I should study more..."

"What do you do at your parents then?"

"Well... this weekend I had to work in my moms shop, so i haven't got much work done."

"Oh." She nods.

"Oh yeah, I have almost run out of them tablets you gave me."

"Are they helping you sleep?" She asks.

"Yeah, they're really good."

"I'll get you some more." She smiles. "Be careful on them though.. they can be addictive."

I give her a look.

"Dont worry." I chuckle. "I'm not taking more than what I need."

"I know, I'm just saying it's easy to become addicted to them."

"That wont happen to me." I shake my head. "I'm not stupid."

"Ok girl." She chuckles. "I'm just looking out for you." She nudges me.

I smile and nudge her back.

We walk in to our Lecture and I instantly smile seeing Michael. Dani walks ahead of me, going over to a couple of chairs. Michael sees me and smiles. He gives me a little wink too as I look away and sit next to Dani. The butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

Throughout the Lecture Michael keeps looking at me. He usually looks at me but this time its different... we keep locking eye contact for long periods of time. I used to have to look away from his stare, but now it's like I cant and I need to look in to his eyes. I want him so bad...

I find myself not paying attention and I start to doodle love hearts in my notebook, hearing Michael's voice. Every now and then I'd smile a little to myself, watching Michael.

Dani glances at me a couple of times and gives me a look.

"What's the smiling about?" She whispers and chuckles.

"Huh?" I quickly look at her.

"You. Smiling at Mr Jackson."

I feel myself instantly burn up.

"Was I? I'm not." I shake my head.

She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah." She laughs quietly. "You were."

She looks down at some of the hearts I've been drawing. I look down and turn the page quickly. She looks at me and then at Mr Jackson again. Michael glances over at us and then looks away as he continues to talk to the class. Dani looks at me again and lowers her eyebrows.

"What?" I raise my eyebrows and shake my head.

I quickly start to write down some notes and information Michael is saying, hoping Dani doesn't say anything else. Thankfully she doesn't. She looks back down at her notebook, taking notes again.

The lecture ends and I smile at Michael as me and Dani leave the room. I glance back at him and he smiles at me, watching me leave. I really want to talk to him but it's not easy... hopefully we get a chance to speak to each other today... where no one can see us.

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