Chapter 99: Great News

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I check my emails, but still nothing. I've no missed calls either. It's been a week since I had my phone interview and I've heard nothing back... not even to say if I've been unsuccessful. I guess there's still time but I'm not so hopeful now. I mean, I thought the phone interview went ok, although I was really nervous... but it went better than I thought.

The more the week has gone on the more I feel like I want the job too, but I don't want to get my hopes up now because I have a feeling I haven't got the job. I guess it's not the end of the world, and it was in New York after all, which would mean if I accepted it then mine and Michael's life would completely change. I suppose I'll just have to keep looking.

Not hearing back from that job hasn't been the only thing on my mind either... my period is late. I told myself if I didn't come on today then I'd have to say something to Michael... and as of yet, there's no blood. I'm freaking out a little bit... although recently I haven't been keeping proper track of my periods like I usually would...

The bell rings for lunch and the kids leave the classroom. I sigh and stand up from my desk looking around the now empty room. Before I go for lunch I walk over to the piano in the corner of the room and sit down, trailing my fingers along the keys. I close my eyes remembering something I thought of the other day and start to play slowly.

I only play for a little while and then open my eyes. I stare down at the piano and sit in silence for a few seconds. What if I'm pregnant? I take in a deep breath and stand up. I turn around and see Michael leaning on my desk, staring over at me. I laugh softly and feel my cheeks heat up.

"Were you watching me Mr Jackson?" I walk up to him and smile, feeling embarrassed.

He smiles and reaches out to hold my hips, pulling me closer to him.

"What were you playing?" He asks.

"Nothing." I shrug.

"That's funny, I swear I just heard and watched you play?" He lowers his eyebrows.

I smile and roll my eyes.

"It was just something I thought of the other day."

"Well it was good." He smiles and stares in to my eyes.

"Thanks." I raise an eyebrow and show little smile.

"You looked sad when you were playing though." He says softly. "You still haven't heard back from the job?"

"No." I shake my head, but try not to sound too disappointed.

"Maybe give it until Monday?" He tucks some of my hair behind my ear. "I know it's been a week but maybe they've been busy?"

"Maybe." I shrug. "It was a stupid idea anyway, and it would mean us having to move away if I was offered it. We haven't really spoken about that."

"It wasn't a stupid idea." Michael rolls his eyes. "Moving away would be a big thing, but if it meant you would be following your dreams then I'm there with you, every step of the way."

"Really?" I raise my eyebrows. "You wouldn't mind moving away?"

"Al, I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you."

I smile and stroke my hand in to his hair.

"I'm really proud of you." He says softly. "For going for it and getting an interview. You done really well in it too, so whatever happens you should be proud of yourself too. If they don't offer you the job then it's their loss. Don't be disheartened or upset about it if you don't get it, or think you wasn't good enough." He shakes his head. "There will be something else."

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