Chapter 27: Sweet and Salty

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I can't wait until mine and Michael's date. I keep thinking about when he asked me and I still can't believe it. It feels like a dream I had.

"You going to your parents this weekend Al?" Holly asks, looking over at me.

"No." I shake my head.

"Oh, you're staying here?" Dani asks, smiling.

"Yeah." I give her a look and smile.

"You should have said something! We're all going out Friday night."

I lower my eyebrows.


"We're going to an outdoor cinema. It's like a one time only thing not far from here, and they'll be showing classic movies."

I try and hide my worried expression. Really?! Of course this happens to me. What are the chances?!

"We've arranged to go but we thought you'd be seeing your parents? You can still come. I'm sure we can get another ticket." Holly smiles.

"Yeah I can look at tickets now?" Jamie says, getting his phone out.

"No." I say quickly.

They all look at me. I smile.

"I mean... what if I dont like the movies they are showing?"

They laugh.

"Well then, you've got bad taste in movies." Ryan chuckles.

I clear my throat.

"I... I.. was planning on studying Friday night."

"Booorrrring." Becky smirks and rolls her eyes.

"Al we don't want to go without you if you're staying here." Dani laughs. "It wouldn't feel right leaving you while we go have fun. We don't want you feeling left out."

"I don't mind..."

Holly gives me a look.

"You're lying." She grins. "What else are you doing Friday night huh?"

"Nothing..." I shake my head and look down.

"Hmm." She smirks. "It will be fun, and it's different to seeing a movie at the cinema. We're gonna get food too."

"I'm ok if you guys go without me." I smile.

Dani raises her eyebrow.

"And anyway I might go to my parents... I'm not sure yet."

"Ok, if you really dont want to come with us that's fine." Holly shrugs.

I sigh and sit back.

"There are still loads of tickets if you change your mind." Jamie smiles at me.

I nod and show a fake smile. Well this has all gone wrong now... what if they see me and Michael together? I should tell Michael that they will be going, but what if he cancels our date? I still want to go with him... I can't believe this! Why can't they just study or something for once? I sigh and look down as they talk about Friday night.


I keep looking at the time. I know there are different showings tonight and Michael said to meet him outside at 8, but I dont know what time the others are going. I don't even know how this outdoor cinema thing works? I wonder if they'll be showing more than one film at once or something. Maybe they won't be seeing the same movie as us... which I hope that happens.

We're all sitting in the kitchen and I look at Holly as she touches up her makeup. I look back down at my laptop and clear my throat.

"So uh what time are you all leaving?" I ask.

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