Chapter 75: I Love You More

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Michael's house brings back so many memories. I can't help but remember the last time I was here, which isn't the best memory... it was when I told him I thought I was pregnant. That all feels like such a long time ago.

"I wasn't expecting this." Michael smiles and kisses my forehead.

I smile and look up at him.

"Is it ok for me to stay over? I kind of just showed up."

He laughs and lowers his eyebrows.

"Of course it's ok. You're my girlfriend and you don't have to ask. You can come over when ever you want." He smiles. "I wanted you to stay with me tonight actually... but I wasn't sure what you'd think if I asked..."

I look at him and smile.

"I know you've been trying to prove your intentions to me." I hold his hand. "Showing me you're not using me for one thing, and I think that's sweet of you and it makes me feel good."

He smiles, staring down at me.

"But you've proved a lot now, and I don't mind if you wanna touch me... I can tell how much you've been holding back."

He starts smirking which makes me smile.

"Have I been that obvious?"

"Um, kind of." I giggle. "You kiss me and start to touch me, but then you stop yourself."

"And you want me to continue?" He bites his lip.

"Yes." I smile, feeling my belly flip.

"I've been teasin you, making you feel frustrated?" He laughs softly and bites his lip.

"Yeah, a lot." I smirk.

"I haven't done that intentionally." He grins and looks me up and down, holding my hips.

I give him a look and laugh.

"Really? Can't you tell how you've been making me feel? You've been driving me crazy with your little touches and the sexual kisses."

"Yeah..." He laughs. "I could tell."

I smile, raising my eyebrows and scoff.

"But I wasn't intentionally doing it.. I wanted to show you how serious I am about you, so I held back. I probably shouldn't have kept touching you like that and stopping though." He chuckles and bites his lip. "But to know I've been driving you crazy turns me on."

I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, getting closer to his face.

"You've been driving me crazy since the first time we met."

He smirks and we kiss each other. I stroke my hands along his shoulders and up the back of his neck, tangling my fingers in to his curls. I move my hands further up, feeling his head and he smiles against my lips, pulling away.

"What are you doing?"

"Seeing if your head feels like an apple." I laugh. "Ellie told me why she calls you Applehead."

He laughs and makes a face.

"So you were both talking about me?"

"A little bit." I smile.

"Does it feel like an apple?"

"No." I giggle.

He smiles and looks me up and down.

"I saw you talking with Janet too."

"Yeah?" I smirk.

"I could tell you were talking about me."

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