Chapter 8: Sorry

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I wake up the next morning hearing the girls down stairs. I actually slept ok last night. It's the first time I've managed to sleep alright in this place. I yawn and stretch, getting up from the bed. I leave my room and take a shower. I get changed and make my way down to the kitchen. The girls stop talking and look at me.

"There she is!" Holly smiles.

"Hey." I smile and look at everyone.

"Are you ok? You just vanished last night Al." Dani says looking at me concerned.

"I'm fine. I sent you a text."

"I know, but I was worried. I didn't know if you made it back ok and if you knew where you were going."

"What do you mean?" Becky asks. "Alison knows where campus is." She laughs.

I show a little smile.

"I was fine."

"Jamie thought he upset you." Holly says looking at me.

"What? Why?" Dani asks.

I look at them all and shake my head.

"No he didn't. I just wanted to leave that's all."

"He told Ryan he tried it on with you, but you freaked out."

I sigh and pour myself some orange juice.

"What did he do?!" Dani asks now sounding worried.

"Nothing! Ok! Nothing happened." I snap, now feeling agitated. "It looked like he wanted to kiss me but I backed away. That's all."

Dani frowns and the others go silent. Holly clears her throat.

"Well he said how nice you were Al. Hes interested."

"That's nice of him... and he is nice... but.."

"But you don't fancy him?"

"Well... no.. I dont know.." I sigh.

"You would have kissed him though if you liked him?" Becky asks.

"I'm not like that." I shake my head. "I had only just met him."

"Leave her alone. It's just a kiss... and she didn't want to kiss him. End of story." Dani says, coming to my defence.

"That's fine." Holly chuckles. "I'm just saying he likes you Alison. He thought he was the reason you left."

I look down and sip my orange juice.

"I'll have to apologise to him." I say looking up at her.

"Want his number?" Holly smiles.

I pause for a few seconds before answering her.

"Uh yeah, ok."

Dani looks at me and I sip my drink.

"Here you go." Holly smiles writing his number down.

She hands me the piece of paper with his number on it. I show a little smile and take it from her. They all start talking about last night again. I finish my drink and leave the kitchen. I'm just about to go upstairs when Dani stops me.


I look back at her.

"You sure you're ok?" She asks.

I smile.

"Yeah." I nod. "I'm going to catch up on some work."

She nods.

"Ok, well you know you can talk to me."

"I know." I chuckle. "Stop worrying."

She smiles.

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