Chapter 70: Finger Lickin Good

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Words cannot describe how I feel right now. I've dreamed about kissing him again, and now it's really happening. It's such a perfect setting too, with the moonlight shining down on us and nothing but nature surrounding us.

We kiss each other so slowly, taking this moment in and savouring each other. I lift my hand up and gently touch his jaw, feeling it move as he kisses me. Michael's big hand stays holding the back of my head, and then he moves it down, resting it on my neck. His lips and touch cause goosebumps to form all over my body.

We gradually separate our lips, with both of us breathing a bit heavy now. We look in to each others eyes and smile.

"You still wear that sweet, cherry lip balm." Michael licks his lips, sounding pleased.

I nod and bite my lip. He smiles and leans up a bit.

"I've missed that." He says deeply and strokes his hand over my cheek as he locks his lips back on to mine.

A little moan escapes me, feeling his tongue enter my mouth as he intensifies the kiss. For a moment it's like my brain goes and I have no control over what I'm doing. Nothing else matters now and I'm just in this moment. My tongue automatically plays with his as we kiss deeply, and I lift my leg up slightly so its rested on his leg.

Michael feels my leg on him and his hand wonders to it. He places his hand on my thigh, and then his fingers start to stroke up my tights. He doesn't go too far and then rubs back down my leg.

Michael leans forward more, so now I'm laying back. He keeps hold of my thigh, lifting it up a little bit more. His fingers eagerly press in to my thigh, which makes me throb harder. I take my lips from his so I can catch my breath and look at him as he looks down at me. Fuck, I am so wet.

He shows his beautiful smile with his curls falling in front of his face. I smile back and place my hands on his chest, feeling on his shirt.

"I wanted to kiss you so many times last night, but I chickend out." He laughs softly and bites his lip, looking shy.

I giggle and move some of his curls away from his face.

"I wanted to kiss you after you took me home."

"I was going to, but the taxi driver was watching." Michael chuckles.

"Did that make you feel pressured?" I smirk.

"A bit." He smiles and glances down at my body. "And, you know, it's been a long time... I wanted the kiss to be special. I didn't want it to feel rushed, with people watching us."

I smile widely and lean up on my elbows, getting closer to his face.

"It's been special." I nod. "I can't tell you how many times I've wanted this moment again with you." I look over his beautiful facial features, and then stare in to his wide eyes.

He leans closer, with his lips lingering over mine.

"I've missed you Michael." I say quietly.

He slides his hand behind my neck and kisses me softly.

We lay down and continue kissing and looking in to each others eyes for a while. I could kiss him all night.

Michael wraps his arms around me and I nestle my head in to his neck, smelling his sweet cologne. I smile and plant little kisses in to his neck. He strokes his hand through my hair slowly, making me feel so content.

"I'd like to plan our next date." I look up at him.

"Yeah?" He smiles and looks down at me.

"You've always done stuff for me and taken me out. I want to do somethin for you." I smile.

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