To Be Continued...?

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First I wanna say I hope you're all ok... its been tough recently with what's going on in the world right now. Coronavirus is a bitch! But I hope you're all well, washing your hands and keeping safe!

So anyway, I've had a bit a of break (long break) from Wattpad. I started to write the prequel to Behind Closed Doors, but like I said I've had a break so that's been on hold. I will be continuing it though at some point... soon.

I've been thinking about Run to You a lot recently because I miss it and it's one of my faves that I've written, so I'm thinking of maybe adding a couple more chapters?! I know a lot of people liked this story so I'm just wondering what y'all think?

That's all the news I've got 😂 But please give me your opinions 😊 And maybe even some ideas for more chapters? What would you like me to add in to it?

Love you! ❤

Love you! ❤

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