Chapter 74: I Got Us Snacks

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I smile watching Michael playing and talking with Ellie down the garden. He's sitting down with her, pretending to drink tea and then they both stand up and he holds her hand, spinning her around. Watching him with her really makes me quite broody... I think we would definitely make some beautiful babies. I shouldn't be thinking about that already though, but I like the thought of us making them.

Janet sits next to me and holds out a can of soda.

"Thanks." I smile and take it from her.

She smiles and looks over at Michael.

"Brothers hey? Who would have them?" She sighs and laughs softly.

"I don't know." I chuckle. "After seeing how all of you are with each other today makes me realise I'm missing out. I wish I had a big family."

"You don't have any siblings?"

"No, I'm an only child."

"Oh." She raises her eyebrows. "I moan about them sometimes, but I couldn't imagine life without them."

Michael glances over at us and I smile.

"But on the upside at least theres no one to annoy you or argue with. And being an only child you have your parents full attention." Janet chuckles. "Things were always crazy in our house hold. They still are sometimes."

"That's true." I laugh softly. "But the thing is my parents still give me their full attention.. sometimes too much." I make a face and smile.

"That's just what parents do unfortunately." She rolls her eyes and giggles. "My mother still treats us like we're kids sometimes. I guess it's just natural for parents."

"Yeah." I sigh and sip my soda.

There's a few seconds of silence. Janet looks at Michael and then at me.

"I'm sorry for how my brother treated you."

I look at her, not quite sure what to say. I show a little smile.

"Sorry, it's none of my business and I don't know the full story, but I kind of got what was going on... and from what Michael told us. He is my brother and I love him, but I will sure as hell go off at him if I don't agree with something he's done, especially something like this, because I know that ain't him... I would do it to any of my brothers. And us girls stick together." She smiles. "We've all been there with a man before girl."

I smile. It makes me feel good hearing her say this, especially coming from Michael's sister. It's reassuring to know what she thinks about the situation, and I'm glad she doesn't hate me and think it's all my fault.

"Men can be idiots at times." She rolls her eyes. "Michael isn't always like that though." She giggles.

I giggle and look over at him.

"You mean a lot to him."

I look at her and she nods.

"I can definitely see that."

"He means a lot to me too." I smile.

"Girl, I could tell that from the first time I met you."

"Seriously?" I lower my eyebrows and chuckle, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah! I saw the way you looked at him." She smirks, kind of teasing me.

"Oh." I giggle and look down at my drink.

"He better still be groveling!" She chuckles. "Treating you and taking you out on dates."

"Yeah." I raise my eyebrows and laugh. "Things are definitely different this time. He's proving how sorry he is and I actually couldn't be happier. I've really enjoyed meeting you all today as well, and seeing this side to Michael. It's been a big step... compared to what we were like before."

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