Chapter 45: They Help Me

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I dry myself off and put on one of Michael's t-shirts. I sit on the bed and towel dry my hair thinking back to what just happened. That sex was amazing, although I feel exhausted now and a little sore. I'm not used to so much sex at once but I loved it. Michael is so good at it. He made me cum loads.

He walks in to the bedroom with a towel around his waist and his hair all wet. I smile looking at him. He smiles and checks me out.

"You good?" He asks.

I nod.

"Yeah..." I smirk.

He towel dries his hair and walks over to me.

"A little sore and tired now though."

He frowns.

"Sorry, I was probably too rough with you."

"No." I shake my head. "I really liked it." I smile.

"You're not used to it all though."

"Michael I liked you being rough with me, or I wouldnt have came so many times."

He smirks and takes his towel off in front of me. I look straight down to his dick. I watch him as he puts on his underwear and pulls on a t-shirt. He sits next to me and runs his hand through my damp hair.

"You're not too sore are you?"

"No, I just feel achy more than anything." I laugh softly.

"Mmm." He grins and bites his lip, rubbing his hand up my thigh. "Did you like the hair pulling and ass slapping?"

"Yes." I smile. "It turned me on even more. It felt good."

"I wont go crazy on you for a little while." He chuckles and shakes his head. "Get in to bed and rest up."

"I dont mind you going crazy on me. I don't want you to stop." I smile.

"I'm not gonna stop." He smirks and kisses me. "I just want you to rest a little before we do all that again."

I raise my eyebrows and giggle.

"You're already turning me on... I'm not that sore."

He smirks and holds my neck, kissing me softly. I pull away and bite my lip looking in to his eyes. I love him so much.

"Do you want a hot chocolate or anything before bed?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "That would be nice."

He smiles and stands up. He pulls the covers back on the bed and looks at me.

"Get in and I'll bring us some up."

I smile and get under the covers. I watch him leave the room and look around. I cant believe the last time I was here was when I was drunk... so much has happened since then.

I get up and look through my bag. I take out my sleeping pills and pop out a couple. I get some water and swallow them down quickly before Michael comes back in. I pretty much rely on these every night... I grab my phone and get back in to bed.

I lay on my side and after a few more minutes Michael walks back in holding two mugs. I put my phone down and smile at him. He smiles and places my mug down on my bedside table and then he gets in on his side.

"Thank you." I say still laying on my side, about to get up.

Michael lays right up behind me and starts kissing my neck and shoulder, pressing his bulge up against my bum. I smile and look back at him. He kisses me and then rubs his hand up my leg, moving it slowly under the t-shirt I'm wearing. He slides his hand up to my boob and cups and rubs it gently making me moan. I move my hips, rubbing my bum against his bulge. He sighs.

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