Chapter 18: Just Like That

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I sit at the kitchen table, staring down at my mug of coffee. I haven't slept well at all. Michael and the kiss has been on my mind constantly. It's all i can think about. I'm just a bit confused. I thought he might have liked me... he hasn't been in contact at all... apart from when he told me he was busy, which he probably was. I cant expect him to drop everything for me all of the time. He has a life, so i could be over thinking everything.

"Hey!" Dani smiles and yawns walking in to the kitchen.

I look up from my coffee and show a weak smile.


"You're up earlier than usual?" She asks.

"I didn't sleep well."

She sighs and starts making herself a coffee.

"I keep telling you to take them sleeping pills." She chuckles.

"Mmm." I say quietly.

"Have a good weekend at your parents?"

"Yeah." I shrug. "How was your weekend?"

"It was good. We went and saw this new scary movie at the cinema. Would have been good if you came."

She finishes making her coffee and sits next to me. I sip my drink keeping quiet.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

Hearing her ask me that makes me want to cry. I look at her, feeling like I'm about to cry. She frowns.

"Moooorning." Becky yawns walking in to the kitchen.

I clear my throat and look back at my mug.


Me and Dani walk to our lecture. I'm nervous about seeing Michael after our kiss. I want to see him, and I'm excited like I usually am, but at the same time I feel embarrassed.

"You wanna talk about what's on your mind?" Dani asks, breaking the silence.

"I'm fine." I show a fake smile.

"You looked like you were about to cry earlier." She frowns.

"Just lack of sleep I guess."

She rubs my arm.

"You can tell me anything Al."

"I know, and I'm telling you nothing is wrong." I smile.

She sighs and shows half a smile.

"You're not yourself... but I'm here if you want to talk."

"I know, thanks." I smile. "Honestly, I'm ok."

She gives me a look. I take a deep breath before we walk in to class, feeling a bit sick.

I look over at Michael but he doesn't see us come in. Me and Dani sit down. I keep glancing at him, hoping he will look at me.

He doesn't look up until everyone is here and seated. I stare at him, watching him look around the class, saying good morning to us all. He finally looks at me and my belly flips. I go to smile but he looks away. I frown and slide down in my chair a little bit. He's never looked away that quickly before.

I drift away from the lesson and begin to not take notes again. I place my chin in my hand and start to doodle in my notebook. I try not to look at Michael any more. I just feel really stupid and embarrassed. I don't understand why he is being like this with me? He kisses me first... and then he ignores me. Maybe I'm a bad kisser? Or maybe we just shouldn't have kissed.

I sigh feeling uncomfortable throughout the lesson. I just want to get out of here. Michael ends the lecture and I stand up, quickly packing my stuff away.

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