Chapter 56: How Can You Still Love Me?

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Jamie smiles at me as we walk towards the table him and Ryan are sat on. I smile and sit next to Jamie. This is a little awkward... and I'm really not in the mood for any conversations right now.. not after what Michael has just told me. I'm a little bit in shock... it's just so horrible what he has been through.

"Is the party girl on it tonight?" Ryan asks with a smirk.

"No..." I laugh softly and shake my head.

I see Michael walk back in to the pub... his eyes are a bit red like he has just stopped crying. Luckily no one else sees him. He looks over at me and walks over to the bar.

"Well it's someone's birthday real soon." Becky grins.

I smile and roll my eyes.

"House party?!" Ryan grins.

"Its your birthday soon?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "I dont really want a fuss..."

"Its the perfect excuse for a fuss Al." Holly rolls her eyes. "We threw Jamie a party, and we'll throw you one."

"You need practice before though." Ryan chuckles.

"Practice?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Yeah, on how to handle your drink."

I sigh and look down.

"Shut up Ryan." Holly shakes her head.

"You were bitching about her the other day and now you're friends?! I can't keep up."

Jamie gives Ryan a look. Holly looks at me and I frown.

"Yeah but I was upset, and we said things we didn't mean. We were all drunk! Al has apologised and explained everything. We're fine."

"Yeah..." I clear my throat. "Actually Jamie... can I buy you a drink? I feel bad... about everything."

He gives me a look and shakes his head.

"Its ok. You dont need to buy me a drink."

"I mean, you threw up after you kissed him. I think you owe him a drink." Ryan laughs.

Becky giggles. I sigh and give Ryan a look. Jamie makes a face.

"I had too much to drink. It wasn't the kiss that-"

"I'm joking." Ryan chuckles. "Chill Alison."

"Ryan." Holly sighs.

I roll my eyes and stand up.

"Well fine. I'm going to get myself a drink if no one else wants one?"

"I'll have one." Becky smiles.

Jamie looks at me and I walk over to the bar. I walk around it, out of sight of the others so I can see Michael. He is drinking another drink... He looks at me and I stand at the bar. I walk a bit closer to him and run my hand through my hair.

"Sorry I left you like that." I say softly.

He shakes his head.

"I dont expect you to show me any sympathy, not after how I've treated you."

I frown.

"But you've had your reasons Michael... What you've been through is horrible. It must be hard."

He looks down and drinks back his drink. I look down.

"And... you know.. I love you." I lower my voice. "I'm instantly going to care..."

Michael looks at me.

"How can you still love me?"

I show half a smile.

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