Chapter 82: I'm Not A Little Girl

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"Michael!" I whisper, trying to wake him up but he's in a deep sleep.

Damn, he looks so cute and peaceful, but I can't be thinking about that right now because things are about to get very less peaceful!

"Alison?" I hear my dad call out from the kitchen, and he sounds pissed.

"Michael!" I whisper through my panic and shake him. "Wake up!"

I hear one of them walk down the hallway... shit, they're going to come in here any second! Michael yawns and slowly opens his eyes, looking sleepy.

"Hey baby." He says through his groggy voice and pulls me in to him, kissing my neck.

I push his chest and look in to his eyes.

"Michael, my parents are back." I frown.

He lowers his eyebrows, not really registering what I've said because he's still half asleep.

"We need to go upstairs or something! They can't see us like this!"

A look of panic covers his face now.

"Shit." He widens his eyes and we quickly get up.

I wrap the blanket around me and Michael looks around the floor, quickly picking up his boxers and putting them on.

"Where's my shirt?!" He whispers.

"I don't know?" I frown and look around, and then see it laying on the floor next to the sofa. "It's here."

I pick it up and quickly pass it to him. Just as he goes to put his arms through the shirt the living room door opens... my heart stops and I clutch at the blanket that's tightly wrapped around me. Me and Michael freeze.

My mom sort of gasps when she sees us and widens her eyes looking away from Michael, seeing we are naked, but then looks back at him with such a confused and shocked expression.

"She's not upstairs." My dad shouts out as he walks downstairs.

I literally can't speak right now. I don't know what to do or say! I think my mom feels the exact same...

"Diana?" My dad calls out, sounding closer to the living room now.

My dad walks in and widens his eyes when he sees us. They both look mortified.

"Alison?" My mom frowns.

"What the hell is this?!" My dad raises his voice, looking so angry and gives Michael such a horrible look.

I frown, and glance at Michael, trying to think of something to say.

"You lied to us?" My mom gives me a look. "All this time it's him you've been seeing?!"

The only thing that comes to my head is sorry.

"I-I'm sorry." I frown.

Michael looks at me.

"You don't need to apologise."

I look at him, feeling glad he's got my back.

"What?!" My dad scoffs. "Who the hell are you to say what my daughter needs or doesn't need?!"

"She doesn't need to say sorry for being in a relationship, and for who she's seeing." Michael gives him a look.

"A relationship? Is that what this is?" My dad raises his eyebrows and shakes his head in disbelief.

"Yeah, actually." Michael nods. "Whether you like it or not I'm her boyfriend, and it's Alison's decision on who she sees."

I'm really relieved Michael is taking over right now, but I'm also scared because it's just making my parents more angry.

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