Chapter 21: Game Time

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Dani passes me a glass of wine and shows a little smile.

"You ok?" She asks.

"Yeah." I show a fake smile.

I look at the wine and take a sip.

"Becky put some music on." Holly says brushing her long, shiny, hair.

Becky gets Spotify up and the girls start talking to each other, excited about tonight as they get ready. I sit quietly thinking of Michael. Dani keeps glancing at me. She can tell something is wrong. I stand up about to go up to my room. Dani watches me leave the lounge.

I shut my door and sit on my bed sighing. I place my glass of wine down and look at my mobile. I frown when i see Michael hasn't text me. I've sent him a couple of texts now... maybe that's it. He doesn't want to see me any more. Maybe he didn't like me after all? I hate this... I'm just so new to all of this stuff and now I've messed it up. I start up another text.

Please talk to me? I'm sorry...

I press send and stare at the text, hoping he replies. I begin to get upset and start to cry a little bit.

"Al?" Dani knocks on my door and walks in.

I quickly sniff, and wipe my eyes looking over at her. She frowns when she realises I've been crying.

"Hey?" She says sounding concerned, sitting next to me.

I put my phone down and let out a soft laugh.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not." She frowns and puts her arm around me, making me want to cry even more. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shake my head, as my voice breaks.

"Aw Al. Dont cry. You'll ruin your makeup."

I chuckle and sniff looking at her. She smiles and looks in to my eyes. She then gets up and leaves the room, and comes back in with some tissue. She looks at my face and gently pats the wetness away from my eyes.

"It took me ages doing your eye makeup!" She giggles.

"Sorry." I laugh, holding back more tears.

"What's wrong?" She asks again.

"I just feel emotional... guess its almost that time of the month."

She gives me a look.

"I saw you looking at your mobile. You've been all weird and secretive lately... who's upset you?"

"No one." I shake my head. "Its nothing, really. I've just been feeling overwhelmed with everything recently."


"Yeah, you know I struggle here."

"Well yeah, but I feel like you aren't being honest."

"I am." I nod. "I guess I'm over thinking about tonight as well. I'm a bit nervous."

She shows a warm smile and hugs me.

"You're so cute Al."

I roll my eyes and smile.

"I'll be with you all night. You dont have to be nervous." She smiles.

I nod and look down.

"Now no more tears. Ok?"

"Ok." I let out a soft laugh.

"Let me fix your makeup." She smiles and stands up, grabbing my makeup bag.

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