Chapter 90: Breakfast in Bed

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I feel my hair being stroked which wakes me up from my sleep. I lower my eyebrows but keep my eyes closed. I feel fingers stroke gently across my cheek and then I feel soft lips kiss my forehead. I moan and snuggle my face further in to my pillow, wanting more sleep, but now I feel lips pressed lightly on mine. At first I don't respond because I'm half awake, but then I smile releasing Michael is kissing me and I slowly open my eyes. I see his big, beautiful, brown eyes looking straight at me.

"Morning." His smile instantly wakes me up.

"Morning." I croak and stroke my hand through his hair.

Michael stares at me and I blink a few times as I gradually come to life. He presses his lips back on to mine and wraps his arm around me, pulling my naked body closer to his.

He slowly takes his lips from mine and I smile, gazing in to his eyes. I trail my fingers along his lips and then his chiseled jawline, feeling a bit more awake now. I cover my mouth as I yawn and he smiles, stroking his hand up and down my back.

"What's the time?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"6:30." He bites his lip.

I widen my eyes and raise my eyebrows.

"Why are you awake so early?" I smile.

"I'm going to make you breakfast."

"Aw." I wrap my arm around his waist and squeeze him gently as I hold his back. "But why so early? We went to bed so late last night." I smirk.

"Mmm. I know." He smirks back and slides his hand up my thigh. "Go back to sleep and I'll bring you breakfast in bed."

"Is that the surprise? Breakfast in bed?" I grin, feeling excited and suddenly hungry for some nice food.

"Maybe." Michael grins and plants some kisses on my neck. "Rest while I go cook you something nice."

"Mmm." I hum through my smile and stroke his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too." He smiles and holds the side of my face, giving me a kiss before getting out of bed.

I watch him pull on his boxers and he turns to look at me before leaving the bedroom. I smile and run my hand through my hair, watching him walk out. I hug the bed sheets and close my eyes, feeling sleepy again.

I drift off in to a light sleep and a little while later Michael comes back in to the bedroom.

"Alison." I hear him say my name softly.

My eyes flicker open and I smile seeing Michael in just his underwear holding a tray of food. He smiles and sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to sit up.

"I'm very pleased to see you serving me this naked." I hold the bed sheet against me as I sit up.

He smirks and places the tray on my lap.

"I aim to please."

I smile and look down at the breakfast. Scrambled egg, bacon, roasted tomatoes, french toast, a couple of croissants with some raspberries and a glass of orange juice. I raise my eyebrows, feeling my stomach rumble.

"This looks so good. You've gone all out Michael, thank you." I smile.

"You deserve it baby." He kisses my forehead.

I begin to dig in to the breakfast and it all tastes so good. We hear a knock on the front door and I look at Michael.

"Who's that?" I ask.

He grins and gets up.

"Michael?" I laugh softly and bite in to my croissant.

"Don't move." He smiles and quickly pulls on a t-shirt before leaving the bedroom.

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