Chapter 33: Doctors

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I've managed to book a doctors appointment for tomorrow afternoon. I'm a little nervous about it because I've never been on any kind of contraception before and I'll have to talk to the doctor about my sex life... I cant believe I have a sex life now. I thought I would never lose my virginity, and it just so happens I did, to the most amazing and most handsome man I've ever met. I feel lucky to be able to know Michael the way I do now.

I sit in the living room, flicking through the tv channels trying to find something to watch. Dani walks in and smiles at me. I glance at her and look back at the TV.

"There you are." She says sitting next to me. "I thought you were at the library with Jamie?"

"I was." I nod.

"I looked earlier but couldn't see you?"

I think of me and Michael having sex... that's probably why she couldn't find me. I shrug.

"Al I'm sorry." She sighs. "I shouldn't have made it seem like you dont pay attention in Mr Jacksons lectures.. but it is true. You got to admit." She chuckles.

"Yeah." I sigh. "I felt embarrassed though."

"I know. I'm sorry." She frowns.

I nod slowly.

"What do you think of this?" Holly asks as she walks in to the living room holding a big painting.

"Wow! Its amazing." Dani smiles.

"Its nice." I nod.

"Thanks." She smiles. "I wouldn't have been able to finish it if it wasnt for Mr Jackson."

I lock my jaw and look back at the tv. What's her obsession with him?

"You were really flirting with him earlier." Dani smirks.

"Was I?" Holly giggles. "I felt like he was flirting back a little."

I give her a look.

"He wasn't." I shake my head.

Dani gives me a look.

"You dont think so? I definitely feel a connection between us." She bites her lip.

"Hes a teacher." Dani rolls her eyes. "Its his job to be nice and friendly."

"Well... yeah, but I could see a little something something between me and him." She giggles.

I want to scream at her right now and put her in her place. She thinks everyone is attracted to her.

"And what about Ryan?" Dani chuckles.

"Fuck him." She shrugs. "A girl can dream cant she?" She sighs and sits down. "I think with a little bit more flirting I could get to Mr Jackson."

I widen my eyes.

"What makes you think that?" I ask, almost through a scoff.

"I just feel a spark between us and he is so lovely. I think he could like me." She shrugs and smirks.

I give her a look.

"Hes with someone."

Dani and Holly look at me, looking surprised.

"How do you know?" Dani asks.

Shit. I try to think of a lie.

"Uh... I... I just over heard him... talking to another teacher. He has a girlfriend."

Dani lowers her eyebrows.

"Oh." Holly frowns. "I could still try." She shrugs and giggles.

I shake my head and look back at the TV.

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