Chapter 9: Fantasy Can Become Reality

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"I can buy us some food?" Jamie asks.

"Thanks, but I'm good with just a coffee."

"Sure." He nods and gets us both a coffee.

"Thanks." I smile.

"No problem, and I really am sorry."

"Its fine. I'm honestly ok with it." I chuckle.

"I just don't want you thinking I'm like the rest of them, you know?"

We find a table and sit down in the hall.

"The rest of them?" I ask.

"Yeah, like the other guys."

"Oh." I show a little smile. "I dont think that."

"Good, because I'm not usually like that. I had some alcohol and I guess I got a bit more confident. You're a nice girl."

"Thank you." I let out a soft laugh.

"And I can see you're not like the rest of the girls."

"Oh.." I sip my coffee.

"That's a good thing." He laughs. "You're reserved. I like that."

"I'm just not in to drinking and clubbing. I've come here to study..."

"Yeah, of course. You're so different to other girls I've spoken to."

"Yeah... boring I guess."

"No, not at all." He makes a face. "You're interesting. Theres something about you..."

I look down and smile.

"Sorry I'm sounding cringey." He chuckles.

"No, its sweet." I giggle. "But like I said, I'm not good at this stuff..."

"You're not good at taking compliments." He smiles.

I shake my head and smile.

"How can you tell?"

He smirks and sips his coffee. We get talking for a little while longer about our subjects and where we are from. We start talking about our interests.

"I'm a massive movie fan." He smiles.

"I like watching movies." I nod.

"I'll have to take you to the cinema one day? You can pick a movie."

I smile.

"That sounds good-"

I'm taken off track by what I'm saying when I see Michael walk past us. He glances down at me. I look at him and watch him walk down the hall. He looks like hes heading towards the library.

"Do you want another coffee? Or something to eat now?" Jamie asks.

I take my eyes off of Michael and clear my throat.

"Um, actually let me check the time..." I say looking at my mobile. "I'm sorry I need to go."

"Oh, already?"

"Yeah, sorry. I forgot I told Dani i would study with her this afternoon."

"Can't she study alone for another couple of hours?" He asks with a soft laugh.

"Yeah I know, but I told her I'd get some books from the library... sorry... we can do this again some time though."

"Ok." He nods and stands up with me. "No worries." He smiles.

"Thank you for the coffee."

"That's ok... happy studying. I'll see you around?"

I let out a soft laugh and nod.

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