Chapter 16: Sauce

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I wake up hearing my alarm beep loudly. I groan and turn it off. I yawn and lay for a little while longer with my eyes closed.

The first thing on my mind is Michael. I smile thinking about last night. I haven't text him yet. Maybe I could text him now... I grab my mobile and sit up, rubbing my eyes.

I unlock my phone and click on his number, about to create a message. I dont know what to say...

Hey it's me... Alison. Here's my number :)

I shake my head and delete it.

Morning, its Alison. Thanks again for yesterday :)

Shall I send that? I guess that sounds better. I'm definitely not adding a kiss... that would probably be too much. I bite my lip, feeling a bit nervous to press send. I squint my eyes and eventually press send. I sigh and lay back, feeling nervous.

It's just a text Alison. Calm down! It's only so he has your number too. Oh my god, he has my number now. I smile. The hottest teacher and guy in uni has my number.

I get out of bed feeling happy and take a shower, getting ready for the day ahead.

I walk downstairs and walk in to the kitchen smiling. The girls turn and look at me.

"Someones in a good mood." Becky teases.

"Mmm." Holly smirks. "We didn't get a chance to speak to you when you came back last night. You shot straight up to your room."

I chuckle and shrug.

"I was tired..."

"How was the "catch up" with your old school friend?" Dani asks, giving me a look.

"It was good." I nod, getting myself some breakfast.

"Shit I better go. I'm gonna be late for my lesson." Becky says quickly leaving the kitchen.

"Hello? Ryan?" Holly says, holding her mobile to her ear, leaving the kitchen.

I sit down and start to eat my cereal. I hear my mobile ping. I quickly take it out and smile, seeing a text back from Michael.

Good morning, you're welcome. It's my pleasure. See you soon.

I read the text over a few times in my head and smile.

"Who's that?" Dani asks.

I quickly put my phone down and look at her.

"Jade... my friend from school."

"Oh, so that's her name." She shows a little smile.

I lower my eyebrows and chuckle.

"Don't worry Dani, you're still my best friend."

She smirks.

"You know you can talk to me Al. You can tell me anything. You don't have to lie to me."

I stare at her and nod.

"I know."

I can't really tell anyone about what I'm doing with Michael... no one would understand and just find it weird probably. I would like to tell Dani, because I dont like lying... but this is something I should keep to myself.. even though it's all innocent and nothing is going on. I'm not sure how Dani would react to it. Hes her teacher too after all.

Me and Dani head to our lecture once we have finished breakfast. We walk in and Michael looks at me straight away. We sit down and I get my notebook out ready.

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