Chapter 25: Catching Up

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I apply my cherry lip balm and touch up my hair looking in my mirror. I look at the time and smile. I'm running a little late to my lecture, but that's ok. Michael will have to look at me when I interrupt the class. I keep remembering what me and Jade spoke about. She really gave me some good advice and listened to me. I'm glad I still have her as a friend. She made me feel a lot better.

I stand up adjusting my skirt and pick up my bag. I think I should speak to Dani today and clear the air a little bit. She is my friend after all and we live together... I dont like the constant tension and awkwardness. Hopefully we can put things behind us.

I leave the house and make my way to the lecture. Today will be my first day going back and I'm a bit nervous. I also know I've got a lot of work to catch up on... which wont be fun. I sigh feeling a bit tense.

I glance at the time on my phone before walking in. I'm just over 5 minutes late. I bite my lip and open the door. Michael is talking but trails off and looks over at me, and so do the other students. I look at him as my belly flips and my heart races. He takes a double look like he is surprised to see me, but then clear his throat continuing to talk to the class.

I look around and see Dani. She looks over at me but then looks down at her notebook. I walk up the stairs and sit next to her, taking out my notebook and pen. She looks surprised I'm sitting next to her and glances at me a couple of times.

Through the lecture Michael keeps looking over at me. I ignore him and take notes.

"You'll have to help me catch up." I look at Dani and smile.

She smiles slowly, looking relieved I'm talking to her.

"Yeah, of course I will."

The lecture ends and I finish taking the last few notes and stand up, packing my things away.

"Remember the deadline for the essay is tomorrow. I want everyones handed in on time." Michael raises his voice over the noise of everyone getting up to leave.

I still need to finish mine... but I haven't got much more to do after the help Michael gave me.

"Al I want to talk to you, if you're feeling better now?" Dani asks.

"Yeah." I nod. "I think we should talk too. I don't want us to carry on like this."

She smiles.

"Me neither." She shakes her head.

I smile and we walk down from our desks. I feel Michael looking over at me but I don't look at him. We walk towards the door together to leave.

"Alison." Michael calls my name.

I smile a little and then hide my smile, turning my head to look at him. He looks in to my eyes.

"Can I have a word?" He asks firmly.

"I'll see you out there." Dani smiles and walks out.

I walk over to him and he waits until the rest of the students leave. It's now silent in the room. We look at each other for a few seconds. He looks down at my skirt and back up to my eyes. He walks around me making me feel nervous. He leans on his desk and folds his arms.

"You missed a lot of work last week." He says staring at me.

"Yeah, I know." I say bluntly.

He gives me a look.

"Well I don't want you falling behind."

"Well I'm back now."

He tilts his head to the side and I can see he tries not to smile. He thinks this is funny?

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