Chapter 22: Playing With My Feelings

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I stand in the cubicle swaying a little bit. I'm so drunk now. I take out my mobile and frown, leaning against the door. Why isn't Michael talking to me?! At this point I don't care how many texts I have sent him. He can't ignore me forever.

Stop ignoring me! You can't just do that to me. Please Michael.

That's what I want to send. But I'm quite drunk so I accidentally misspell a few words. My vision is a little fuzzy. I walk out of the cubicle and stumble past some girls, holding on to the sink. I wash my hands and look at my reflection.

Dani walks up next to me and washes her hands. She smiles looking at me.

"You feeling ok?" She giggles.

"Yeah!" I smile widely. "I feel great. I'm very drunk."

"Me too." She smirks and applies some lipstick.

She hands it out to me. I take it from her and slowly put some on my lips.

"These nipple covers are crap. They keep coming off." I sigh.

"Just take them off." She looks at my boobs.

I shrug and take them off. It's weird how alcohol can make you feel so much more confident. I would never have done that if i was sober. We leave the toilet, heading back over to the others.

I sit next to Jamie and he smiles at me. Holly walks over holding a glass of wine. She smiles and holds it out to me.

"Peace offering?" She says.

I show a little smile and take it from her.

"Thank you."

She smiles and sits down with us. I finish the glass of wine and then we all get up and start dancing. I've never done any of this before and I'm actually having a good time. The atmosphere feels great and everyone is happy dancing around each other.

I take my phone out to take a quick look, but Dani snatches it from me. I open my mouth and she grins.

"Dani, give me it back."

"What did I say earlier?" She grins. "No phones."

She goes to look at it and I try to snatch it from her. I can't let her see what's on my phone.

"Seriously!" I shout over the music.

She gives me a look.

"Why so secretive Al?!" She goes to look at it again. "Who are you texting?"

I manage to grab it from her. That's really annoyed me. I sigh and turn around, storming off the dance floor. I sit down at a table feeling pissed off.

"What the hell?!" Dani says walking over to me.

"Its my phone Dani! Why did you do that?"

"Chill out! You're obviously hiding someone, so who is it? All you've done all night is look at your phone."

"Its no one!"

"Is it Jade? Your "friend" you met up with?" She scoffs.

"What?" I lower my eyebrows. "No."

"Then who?!" She looks angry.

I sigh feeling fed up.

"Its a boy ok?! I started seeing someone, kind of... and now he is ignoring me! Happy now?"

She pauses and stares at me. She frowns and sits down.


I frown and look down feeling upset now.

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