Chapter 61: I know What I Saw

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I sit quietly and look down. Michael stares at me while silence fills the room.

"Al." He says softly.

I look up at him with tears in my eyes.

"Speak to me." He frowns.

I sigh and swallow the lump in my throat.

"I didn't want a big fuss for my birthday, and they had to throw me a party." I shake my head. "I had a bad feeling about it, and you know what happens when I'm around alcohol. Theres always something bad that happens."

He nods slowly.

"Tell me what happened."

I look down and sniff, going quiet again.

"I saw how Holly was with you just now. Have you had an argument with her about me again?"

"No." I shake my head.

"Well then what?"

I keep quiet, not knowing where to start.

"Did she do that to your face?"

I look at him now.

"Yeah." I say quietly.

He lowers his eyebrows.

"Why?! Why the hell would she do that to you?"

"Her and her boyfriend Ryan broke up..."

He makes a face.

"And what's that got to do with you? Why would she hit you?"

"They broke up in the club we were in, and then we went back to Ryan and Jamie's to carry on the party because the club was closing... and that's when.." I sigh. "That's when things turned bad. Ryan came on to me."

Michael stares at me and I look away from him.

"He kissed me. I tried to push him away but I was so drunk. I didnt even realise it happened at first."

Michael makes a face.

"And then he kissed me again and that's when Holly walked in on us."

"And that's why she fucking hit you?" He scoffs.

"But she was upset because they only just broke up and I'm supposed to be her friend. She was really drunk too. She went crazy... I've tried to speak to her." I frown. "But she wont believe me. I told her he kissed me, and now she thinks I'm a slut."

"What?!" He scoffs and then let's out a little laugh.

I look down.

"You're not a slut Alison."

"I'm a shitty person." I frown.

"No you're not." He shakes his head. "None of this is your fault. Dont beat yourself up because Holly is being a bitch and wont listen. If this is how she is with you then she was never a friend in the beginning. She should know that's not you. You wouldn't do that."

I start to cry now.

"No Michael. I am. I've done something I shouldn't have." I sob harder and try to catch my breath.

He frowns, seeing how upset I am.

"Hey, its ok." He puts his arms around me, hugging me. "Its not your fault."

"No... not that. Its not just Ryan." I cry.

"What else is it?" He asks as he rubs my back.

"Everyone around campus is looking at me and talking about me." I sob. "Everyone knows what's happened. I feel so bad."

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