Chapter 5: Dye

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I usually get picked up by my dad today and go home for the weekend... but Dani really wants me to stay this weekend and spend some time with them. I dont really want to... but I feel bad making up excuse all of the time and she obviously is trying to make an effort with me. I've let my parents know I'm staying here. I know I'll probably regret it.

"So you're staying this weekend?" Holly asks looking up at me from her mobile phone.

Dani looks at me too.

"Yeah." I nod.

Dani smiles and I smile back at her.

"This will be your first weekend staying here wont it?" Becky asks.

"I guess." I chuckle.

"We're going out tomorrow night. Will you be coming?" Holly asks.

"Will you all be drinking?"

"Of course." She chuckles.

"I dont really drink."

"You dont have to get drunk." Dani smiles at me. "It will just be a few drinks with the other students."

I nod slowly.

"Ok, yeah." I force a little smile.

"Great. I'm just about to get some stuff from town. Anyone wanna come?" Dani asks.

"I'm seeing Ryan." Holly smiles.

"I'm gonna relax. This week has been exhausting." Becky sighs sitting on the sofa.

"I'll come." I smile at Dani.

She smiles and we leave the house. We get in her car and she starts to drive. She parks and we go in to town, looking in some shops. She gets what she needs and then we pass some hair dye. She stops and looks at all of the different colours. I look with her and pick one up.

"Oooh nice." She says looking down at the hair dye I'm holding. "That would look so good on you."

I make a face, examining the box.

"I do like this colour... but I'm not sure." I shake my head.

"Honestly red would suit you!"

I smile and look at her.

"Buy it." She smiles. "I'll dye it for you."

"But what if it doesn't suit me? What if it goes wrong? And my hair falls out or something."

She laughs and shakes her head.

"That wont happen. Dont get it if you dont want to change your hair."

I stare at it. I want to give it a go. I've never had my hair done before.

"No, I'll buy it." I smile. "I hope you know what you're doing."

She rolls her eyes and smirks.

"I dye my hair all the time Al. I promise I'll do a good job."

I smirk and she looks at the hair dye and then my hair.

"You better buy another box, just incase one doesn't cover your hair."

I pick another one up and go to pay for them. I cant believe I'm going to change my hair colour. This is all so new to me. We get back in to her car and drive back.

"Dont worry about tomorrow Al. I'll be with you." She smiles looking over at me as she drives.

"I actually feel ok about it at the moment. I guess I'll be more nervous tomorrow."

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