Chapter 35: Please You

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"Ryan is so selfish sometimes." Holly rolls her eyes.

"Ugh what now?" Becky sighs.

"Hey!" Holly throws a cushion at her and we laugh.

"Sorry, it's just you moan about him a lot." Becky chuckles.

"Yeah." Holly sighs. "He annoys me."

"So what's he done?" Dani asks.

"Our sex used to be really good... well it still is sometimes. We used to do it a lot, but now it's like he puts no effort it."

"Right." Becky raises an eyebrow. "It can get like that sometimes in a relationship."

"Yeah I get that." She shrugs. "I know it can get a bit boring doing it with the same person all the time... but damn at least still make me cum."

I widen my eyes and Dani and Becky gasp. We start to laugh.

"He gets to cum every time! What about me?! Us girls still have needs, and that's why hes selfish." She sighs in frustration.

"Man, I am so glad I'm not committing myself to any relationship. That's the shit I cant deal with." Becky makes a face and shakes her head.

"And I'm glad im a lesbian." Dani laughs.

I chuckle and look down.

"So being a lesbian, you dont get this sort of shit happening?" Holly asks.

"Well... I've only been with one girl... and I've only had sex once... but it was the best experience." Dani grins.

"I dunno why you tried keeping all that a secret." Becky smiles.

"I'm still new to it all I guess." Dani shrugs. "Like I've always known I like girls, but I've only had one experience with a girl... so I dont openly tell people. Not everyone is accepting."

"Its 2019 girl." Holly gives her a look.

"You still get homophobic people." Dani shrugs. "It can still be scary... not knowing if people will accept you. I just didn't want anyone to treat me differently, especially living in a house with girls." She chuckles.

"Well those people can fuck off." Becky scoffs.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll turn lesbian." Holly sighs. "Might get better sex."

"You do hear lesbians have it better." Becky shrugs. "I guess because we know what we like ey?" She winks and grins.

I show a little smile and look down. Michael is very good... he has made me cum every time we've had sex.

"Not all men are like that." I look at Holly.

"Oh yeah?" She smirks.

"How would you know virgin girl?" Becky jokes.

Dani chuckles and I smile.

"I'm just guessing." I shrug. "Not all men are selfish."

"Yeah, maybe it's just the guys I pick." Holly makes a face.

"Yeah, the dick heads." Becky smirks.

Holly laughs.

"Jamie doesn't seem the selfish type." Holly smirks.

"He doesn't scream sex God." Dani laughs.

"True." Becky giggles.

"Yeah, but it's always the quiet ones you gotta watch out for. So they say..." Holly smiles.

And then they all look at me with a smirk. I widen my eyes and laugh.


"Nothin." Holly chuckles. "Do you think Jamie would be any good?"

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