Chapter 85: She's Not You

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"I'm really sorry again, for what happened." I say, looking at Paul as we walk to the door.

"Don't worry about it." He shakes his head. "I just hope you're ok."

I show a little smile and we both look out at the bad weather outside.

"Thanks for helping me with my paperwork."

"That's ok." I nod.

"I guess I'll see you soon then?"


"When are you down again? Just so I can put you on the rota."

"In a few months I think? I'm not sure about the exact date."

"Ok, well you have my number, so just let me know." He smiles. "And, if you ever want to talk... you can text me when ever you want."

"Thank you." I show a little smile.

Paul opens the door for me and we walk out in to the rain.

"See you later Al." He smiles and starts locking up.

"Bye." I smile and turn around, quickly going over to my car to get out of the rain.


I stare out at the rain and then look at Michael's house. I wasn't sure whether I should come or not, but more needs to be said and something needs to be done. I frown, feeling so many emotions. I don't want there to be any more arguments, but there probably will be. I take a deep breath and leave my car. The rain is so heavy now! I quickly walk up to the front door and knock. Michael opens it within seconds. We look at each other and he quickly steps aside, letting me in. My dress is already soaked and I wasn't waiting long. He looks me up and down.

"I'll get you a towel." He says closing the door.

I nod and watch him quickly go upstairs. He comes back and hands me a big towel.

"Thanks." I say quietly and wrap it around myself.

He watches me pat my face and hair with the towel and then walks in to the living room as I follow behind him.

"Sit down." He shows a little smile. "I can get you a drink?"

"No, thanks." I shake my head, slowly sitting on the sofa.

"Ok..." He nods. "What about something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry." I stare up at him.

I'm not here for that.

He looks down, going quiet and then sits on the sofa, leaving a space between us.


I glance at him and he frowns.

"I'm sorry for making a scene. That's where you work and I shouldn't have done that... and spoken to your boss the way I did. I realise I fucked up again."

I look away, not saying anything.

"I was upset after what happened at lunch with us, and then seeing him just made me angry. I know he likes you... I just lost it at that point."

I still remain quiet.

"I bet he was acting like a shoulder to cry on or something." Michael rolls his eyes.

"He just wanted to make sure I was ok. He saw me crying Michael. What do you think he did?" I squint my eyes, looking at Michael now. "He didn't try anything on with me, he's my boss. Nothing happened with me and him and nothing has ever happened, or will ever happen. Believe it or not, I only want you. I've only ever wanted you and i haven't been with anyone else, because I love you." I give him a look and look away.

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