Chapter 97: I'm The Champion

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I always look forward to Wednesdays. After me and Michael got engaged and I started living with him we decided to have a day in the week for a date night. I'm not sure why we picked Wednesday to have the date nights but we did, and we have done them ever since.

One reason why we started them was because I wasn't working at the time and Michael didn't like spending so much time away from me through the week, even though we were living together, which I thought was so cute. Once I got the job at the school Michael works at I thought we might not have the date nights every week because we would be seeing a lot more of each other, but we still make sure we do them and I'm glad we do because I think making time for each other is important. It's like, even though we're husband and wife we are still acting like we are dating. Michael treats me like he's still trying to win me even though I'm his, if that makes sense? He is always doing such cute and romantic things and shows me how much he loves me.

This evening we are going bowling. The last time I played was years ago... and Michael can't even remember the last time he played so this should be fun. From the sounds of it I might actually look like I play well if Michael hasn't played in so long, and I was right in my thinking. I'm winning! For once.

"You're making me look good." I giggle. "And that's saying something because I'm actually really bad at bowling."

Michael sighs seeing only a few pins have been knocked over and walks back over to me looking defeated.

"I'm never suggesting this again." Michael flops down next to me, sounding like a little kid.

"Aww." I frown, teasing him. "Why? Because you're losing?" I grin.

He gives me a look and shows a little smirk as he watches me stand up and pick up a bowling ball. I get in position and look down at the pins, ready to throw the ball but I feel Michael push his body up against mine. I look back and laugh.

"Really? Go sit back down and watch how it's done."

"You're just as bad as me." Michael scoffs, grabbing hold of my hips. "And anyway, I've been watching you for the past 20 minutes. I'm starting to think you wore this skirt on purpose." He grins and bites his lip.

"Wow." I raise my eyebrows and giggle. "Anything to excuse your terrible playing huh?" I shake my head.

"That was harsh! And It's not an excuse actually. You're making me hard." He pushes himself against me even more. "And I can't concentrate when I've got other things on my mind."

I widen my eyes and laugh as he starts kissing in to my neck.

"Stop!" I push my bum out to try and back him up. "You're just trying to distract me."

"I'm not." He gives me an innocent look and laughs softly. "Here, let me show you how to bowl properly." He pushes himself back up against me and rubs his hand down my arm.

"Excuse me?" I scoff. "But I think you're the one who needs to be shown how to bowl properly. Now let me take my turn."

"I just wanna touch you." He smirks and rubs his other hand down my thigh.

"Michael!" I squeal and playfully elbow him in the stomach.

He laughs and let's go of me. He steps back watching me, and I look back at him and giggle, before throwing the bowling ball. I knock down 2 pins...

I make a face and turn around. Michael is sitting down now and tries to hold in his laughter.

"That was good."

"Shut up Michael." I smile and shake my head. "You threw me off."

"Hmm?" He raises his eyebrow and stands up as he shakes his head. "Anything to excuse your terrible playing." He mocks what I said and smirks as he picks up a bowling ball.

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